What is the current recommended best practice for a podling to vote in a new

The "Voting in a new committer" section at
it suggests a private discussion followed by a public pro-forma vote, and it
has a link to discussion thread about this [1], but reading all the emails
in that thread it sounded like that practice wasn't so liked, eg [2], and
consensus had now changed to be that the vote should take place in private
followed by a public announcement naming those who voted in favour, eg. [3].

Whats the current feeling on this?



[1] http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=112033720600002
[2] http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=incubator-general&m=112066173416197&w=2
[3] http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=incubator-general&m=112076377405458&w=2

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