
I'm currently involved in preparing the first UIMA incubator release, so I looked at your release with a view to what I could learn ;-) To my (newbie) eyes it all looks very clean, license headers everywhere etc.

One thing I noted is that you're distributing the Java Activation framework. It is my understanding that the Activation framework has a bit of a problematic license, which is why it is not available from our m2 repository, for example. You also do not copy the license in your LICENSE file. The license has some legalese that I do not pretend to understand. If this is all above-board and you can point me to some previous discussion, all the better.


Guillaume Nodet wrote:
The ServiceMix community has voted to relase
We now ask the Incubator PMC to approve this release.

Download page, release notes, etc ...

Direct links:
http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-incubating-repository/org/apache/servicemix/apache-servicemix/3.1-incubating/apache-servicemix-3.1-incubating.tar.gz http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-incubating-repository/org/apache/servicemix/apache-servicemix/3.1-incubating/apache-servicemix-3.1-incubating-src.tar.gz

Guillaume Nodet

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