The Woden incubator project is developing a WSDL 2.0 processor in
conjunction with efforts of the W3C to deliver the new WSDL
2.0specification. The Woden project team would like to ask the
Incubator PMC
for approval to publish the Woden Milestone 7a release to support the
upcoming Apache WS Axis2 1.2 release.  Could Incubator PMC members please
vote by Friday 20th April.

Woden M7a is an incremental release of Woden M7 which was released on 19th
February 2007. M7a adds to M7 two fixes delivered by JIRAs:
* WODEN-153 Use the new W3C WSDL 2.0 namespaces.
* WODEN-154 A fix to the URI Resolver.

The Woden M7a release files are at:

This build is based on revision 529170 at

The results of the vote from the woden-dev and WS general lists were:
Davanum Srinivas +1 (WSPMC, IPMC)
Aleksander Slominski +1 (WSPMC)
Jeremy Hughes +1 (WSPMC)
Ant Elder +1 (WSPMC)
Graham Turrell +1
John Kaputin +1

John Kaputin.

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