Big +1 for me. It's a very useful scripting language that is easy to
extend, easy to integrate with Java, easy to debug and is very fast.
I've used it in two real-life projects so (though for simple things)
and it always worked great for me.


On 5/9/07, Siegfried Goeschl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As Yoav Shapira pointed out this is the right place to go ...  :-)

Siegfried Goeschl

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Request for Comments - Pnuts  as Incubator Project?!
Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 11:55:06 +0200
From: Siegfried Goeschl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: IT20one GmbH

Hi folks,

since I'm basically an ASF newbie I would like to ask for some feedback
if you would think pnuts as suitable candidate for an incubator project.

Your feedback would help me a lot convincing the pnuts community to move
over to Apache.


Siegfried Goeschl

What is pnuts?

pnuts is a JVM based scripting language comparable to Groovy with
excellent documentation, a much too small community, absolutely no hype
and mainly written by Toyokazu Tomatsu.

A quick overview of the language can be found here

Why I like pnuts ...

I have a special interest in JVM based scripting languages since the
have two very useful aspects. You can write a script using your
favourite libraries such as commons-email or Velocity and you can embedd
such a scripting language into your java application.

So over the years I worked with many JVM-based scripting languages such
as JavaScript, Bean Shell, Groovy, JACL and of course pnuts. IMO pnuts
makes a good compromise regarding scripting power, extensibility,
performance, memory consumption and user experience.

And it has an awesome documentation and mature implementation ...

What can be improved ...

+) pnuts is perfectly hidden within
+) do some better marketing to make pnuts more visible in the public
+) expand the community and developer base
+) of course changing the licence from SPL to Apache

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