Martin Ritchie wrote:

It has been a while since I posted this and the conversation has gone
cold. I'd like to get some consensus on what the PPMC's role is so
that we can update the documentation.

See embedded comments below.

On 11/04/07, Martin Ritchie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 11/04/07, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cliff Schmidt wrote:
> > 1. Only IPMC members (e.g. mentors) should send root requests for new
> >    podling committers.
> > 2. A podling committer vote requires three IPMC +1s to be approved
> > (ideally the mentors, assuming the project still has three mentors).
> > This [is] not how I read what we have documented at
> >
> Then we need to fix the documentation.
> > From Noel's comments, it sounds like those "(P)"s should be removed
> > from the above sentence.
> The PPMC has no standing within the ASF. It is a useful structure for the > Incubator, but the only binding votes on a PPMC are those of the Incubator > PMC members casting them. The PMC is the recognized entity within the ASF > structure responsible for the management of a project, and we need to ensure > that decisions go through the PMC in order to maintain that role. Why do
> you think that I keep pushing the minimum of three (active) Mentors
> recommendation?

 So should the PPMC's role be to organise, select and perform the
vote and then forward the vote to general@ for ratification that we
have performed the process correctly.

Well, it really depends upon whether you've got IPMC members (e.g. mentors) on your private list. If your private@ list vote had three +1s from IPMC members (e.g. your mentors), then IMO all you need to do is inform the IPMC of the vote when complete. Also, the request for an account should be sent by an IPMC member, likely one of your mentors.

 At which point the IPMC takes control of the vote such that when three
 IPMC memebers have voted (Which may have already occured IF the
 podlings mentors have voted) they create the account requests and send
 them to root@ copying the <podling>-private@ list.

I think the thing is to remember that your mentor(s) is going to be an IPMC member. The idea of the "IPMC taking control" seems a little strange - I cannot imagine the IPMC being sufficiently organised/motivated to do that work. Your mentor however, who is also an IPMC member, should be sufficiently motivated. And if they're not, you're at liberty to kick their butts :-)

This would then give a bigger pool of recognized people that could
pickup the completed votes and create the account requests.

 Alternatively the IPMC could then notifiy the podling-private list
 that their vote was successfull so that the PPMC could create the
 account request (Learning that process) and send it to the IPMC for
forwarding to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't personally want to see the IPMC private list given over to voting in new committers on podlings. That would make, IMO that list pretty unusable. My take on Noel's comments is that the podling should ensure that it has got 3 +1s from IPMC members. If it hasn't, it could use a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to solicit them, but those votes would go to the podling's private list.

 That way the IPMC gets to over see the PPMCs ensuring they are moving
towards the "Apache Way" and root@ only gets emails from people that
they know have the right to request the action.


For all intents and purposes, IPMC == podling mentors. Other IPMC members are not likely to be sufficiently motivated to make what you mention above actually work.

> > I honestly don't know if this is a case of things evolving rules, or
> That's fine. My comment to Martin Ritchie was entirely procedural, and not > intended to be any sort of slap. I, too, am favorably disposed towards QPid
> (questions about the specification process aside).  If you don't have
> sufficient votes, let me know, and I will review the archives in order to
> determine my own vote.
>         --- Noel

I didn't take the comments as a slap of any sort. It is just good to
clear up the procedural work. I would have thought that the incubation
 documenation would have been more RC than beta as it appears in places
but I understand the organic process that is going on here. :)

Well, I think we're still working some of this out. And you're helping with that :-)

Regards, Upayavira

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