On Jul 26, 2007, at 9:27 AM, Robert Burrell Donkin wrote:

On 7/26/07, Martin Marinschek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi *,

we have a situation over at the MyFaces project which is a pretty
straightforward code-grant.

Oracle wants to donate the code of a JSF-portlet-bridge which would
fit well with MyFaces. We do already have some bridge code at MyFaces,
but it is not as complete as this donation would be, and it doesn't
comply to the corresponding standard.

The possibly donated jsf-portlet-bridge is the reference
implementation of JSR-301 - it would fit well for several projects at
the ASF to have this code ASL licensed. It is important relating to
recent discussions on jcp-open to say that Scott O'Bryan has said the
bridge-team will try everything to release the according TCK under the
ASL license as well.

In comparison to the recent incubation projects in MyFaces, which are
ADF-Faces --> Trinidad and the Rich Client Framework the codebase is
not very large and would not need any community building around it nor
would it be necessary to bring an existing community to the ASF - as
already 4 members of the MyFaces community know the ins and outs of
this or similar bridges and can easily take over the code and maintain
it (and there is sufficient interest to do so). Scott O'Bryan, one of
the existing developers of the bridge at Oracle, is also a MyFaces

So in our understanding, incubation is not necessary, as no community
needs to be incubated. If there are any objections, though, we'll
certainly rethink this point of view - this is why I'm asking for
comments here.

sounds like a straightforward software grant to me

- robert

I agree.


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Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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