I'm looking for a resolution to this also. Chainsaw (a log file viewer from the Logging Services project) has been available via WebStart from the Logging Services web site for several years but is signed by one of the developer's personal certificates. It doesn't seem to fit within the release guidelines (not mirrored, not archived, not reproducible) and it seems hard to make it fit. See http://marc.info/?l=log4j-dev&m=118772583611470&w=2 for today's discussion. Using Chainsaw using WebStart would require signing as access to local files and the network is pretty much essential to operation.

Had a similar situation with log4net which had a .NET strong name key that had been used to prepare earlier versions of log4net which had been in the exclusive control of one developer which would prevent the project from releasing compatible builds if he had been hit by the fabled bus. The strong name key file was encrypted so that it could be decrypted by using the signing keys of several of the developers and placed in the SVN repo.

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