
I updated the proposal to include the new proposed project name.  Imperius
to be cleaner than the alternatives.

I also added the references to the DMTF's IP policy.

Please let me know if there are more questions.  (Please CC

Thanks, David


Policy systems allow administrators to define policies that guide the
automated administration of resources.  Such automation saves time and
effort by simplifying resource-management.

We proposed to develop a policy-based management infrastructure that
automates administrative tasks by executing policies written in the
"Simplified Policy Language" (SPL), a standards-based policy language.


This proposal seeks to create a project within the Apache Software
Foundation to (1) develop a policy evaluator for the SPL policy
language, and (2) develop bindings between the policy evaluator and
projects such as Apache Geronimo.


As computer systems become more complicated, they continue to become
increasingly complex and costly to manage.  Various studies have shown
that the cost of managing systems often exceeds the cost of purchasing
them.  The goal of the Imperius  project is to reduce management burden by
allowing administrators to specify policies that replace manual
administrative actions.


Policy-based management is one approach to reducing the cost of systems
administration.  Administrators define policies that express a
"management intent", and the policy-based management system executes
the policy, thereby reducing the burden on the administrator. For
example, a policy might state "backup the database daily at 1am."  A
policy management system would interpret the policy, and trigger the
database to perform a backup at the assigned time, offloading that task
from the administrator.

To allow more flexible semantics, such policies are often expressed as
"If-Then" (also called "Condition-Action") rules.  For example, "If
the packet comes from subnet 6.7.8.*, Then place it on the
high-priority outgoing queue" or "If the data in the database have
changed by 10%, Then perform an incremental backup."  Such policies
allow for more complex automation.

To implement these kinds of rule-based policies, the policy system
must interact with the system's APIs.  In the second example above,
the system relies on the ability to measure the percentage of data
that have changed since the last backup (or to compute that value from
measurable data).  Similarly, to execute the "then" clause, the policy
system must be able to start an incremental backup on the database
using the database's API.  Expressed generally, a policy system must
have a binding to the "instrumentation layer" or API for the system
under management.

Thus, policy systems consist of two major components: an evaluation
engine and a binding to an instrumentation environment.  The
evaluation engine (1) accepts policies expressed according to a
well-defined grammar, (2) collects the data needed to evaluate the
policies, and (3) actuates the "Then" section as appropriate.

This project would build an SPL evaluation engine and bindings to
various Apache and non-Apache APIs.

The design of SPL, a Preliminary DMTF standard, is inspired by
existing policy languages and models including PDL (policy definition
language) from Bell Laboratories, the Ponder policy language from
Imperial College, and other policy languages.

The basic unit of a SPL policy is a policy rule. An SPL policy rule
consists of a condition, an action, and other fields.  Multiple policy
rules can be grouped into a policy group. Policy groups can be nested
-- i.e., a policy group can contain another policy group.  For the
specification of the policy condition, SPL provides a rich set of
operators that act on the following types: signed and unsigned short,
regular and long integers, float and long float, character, string,
Boolean, and calendar.

We expect the community to develop a number of bindings between the
evaluation engine and APIs.  Examples include the API for Geronimo,
and standard interfaces such as WSDM and CIM.  The community may
choose to develop a wide range of bindings, all leveraging the common
SPL engine and policy syntax.

The Imperius Policy Engine will be implemented in the form of a Java
application.  The SPL application will provide the following

1.   PolicyManager - The PolicyManager acts as an orchestrator
delegating tasks to its subcomponents.

2.   PolicyDataStore - The PolicyDataStore is responsible for two major
tasks: Policy Storage and the creation of Internal Policy Objects:

         a. Policy Storage: This involves persisting of the policies
into a repository along with caching of the Internal Policy Objects for
use in evaluation
         b. Internal Policy Object Creation: This involves syntax,
semantic analysis of the textual policy stored in the repository and the
creation of abstract syntax trees and symbol tables for use in the
evaluation of the policies.

3.   Policy Evaluator - The PolicyEvaluator is responsible for the actual
evaluation of the policies. It uses the Internal Policy Object created
by the PolicyDataStore. It iterates over the list of all object
instances that satisfy the anchor object criterion (refer to the SPL
specification for more information) evaluating conditions and performing

Development will focus on features, performance, scalability, quality,
and extensibility.

Why ASF?
The developers of Imperius are interested in joining the Apache Software
Foundation because:

   - we would like to encourage binding of the SPL language to
     numerous product APIs, especially existing Apache projects, in an
     open development environment.

   - We would like development of Imperius to take place within the ASF
     legal, licensing and oversight structure.

Initial Goals

The initial goals are to develop an SPL evaluation engine and bindings
to the APIs for:

1. Geronimo

2. the Apache HTTP server

3. WSDM (

4. CIM

Current Status

IBM has a prototype SPL engine, and a binding to CIM APIs.


The Imperius  project will be meritocractic. The project will follow the
( of the
Apache Software Foundation. We plan to proactively recruit individuals
in the Community to: (1) provide function, performance and stability
enhancements to the core engine; (2) encourage bug fixing; (3) improve
code structure; and (4) provide binding to other APIs. We believe that
open, meritocratic development will result in a stronger engine with a
broader range of binding than we could develop internally.


The initial community will be comprised of developers from Sun and
IBM, both of which have substantial interest in the project.  The
project will be actively communicated within the ASF and to both the
DMTF and SNIA communities, encouraging growth in the Imperius community.

Core Developers

The initial core developers will come from IBM and Sun.  One Sun
committer has experience with OpenPegasus and Open Solaris.  Two IBM
developers have worked on OpenPegasus.  Other strong developers have
expressed interest, and we expect them to earn committer status


As noted above, Imperius can supplement the existing management of Apache

In addition the code has been implemented in Java, and uses other OSS
such as ANTLR and JUNIT.  ANT may be used as the code evolves.

Known Risks

Orphaned products

This proposal is not the result of an orphaned or abandoned IBM
internal project.  This is a proposal we're making with a full
committment to construct an active and successful project.  Initial
committers are users of this package, and have an interest in its
ongoing viability.

Inexperience with open source

The initial committers have varying degrees of experience with open
source projects, as noted above. All have been involved with source
code that has been released under an open source license, but they
lack experience developing code specifically with the ASF development
process. We do not, however, expect any difficulty in executing under
normal meritocracy rules.

Homogeneous Developers

The project will begin with developers from both Sun and IBM, and
we expect that developers from the CIM-SPL community and from other
ASF projects to join.  In addition, we have received design comments
from developers associated with the OpenGroup.

We do acknowledge the risk that the project will not garner interest
beyond IBM and Sun, though we believe that interest from communities
involved in the DMTF reduces the risk.

Reliance on salaried developers

It is expected that Imperius development will occur by developers on both
salaried time and on volunteer time, after hours. While there is
currently a reliance on salaried developers (currently from IBM, but
it's expected that other company's salaried developers will also be
involved), IBM will continue to support the project in the future by
dedicating 'work time' to Imperius.

Relationships with other Apache Products

A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand

The SPL language and prototype were developed to address the need for
a common policy engine that can be used by a number of others
projects, some part of the ASF.  We believe that such synergy, along
with the shared philosophy, and process and licensing consideration,
make the ASF the proper community.


The scope of the Imperius project at ASF would be to continue the project
development, including adding new features and bindings, and improving
overall code quality, scalability and performance.


The CIM-SPL specification:

Initial Source

The initial source, a prototype SPL engine, has been developed.

Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan

The source comes from IBM.  IBM will submit a CCLA if the incubator
proposal is accepted.

Information about DMTF policies can be found in references [1], [2] and

External Dependencies



None implemented in the code.

Resources Required

 (3.1) mailing list(s)

-    imperius-private (with moderated subscriptions)

-    imperius-dev

-    imperius-commits

-    imperius-user

(3.2) Subversion or CVS repositories

Imperius would like to use a SVN repository.

(3.3) Jira (issue tracking)

Since Imperius would have its own release cycle, it should have its own

-    Project Name: Imperius

-    Project Key: Imperius

Initial Committers

-    Mike Nunez <Michael.Nunez at Sun.COM>

-    Neeraj Joshi <jneeraj at>

-    Mark Carlson <Mark.Carlson at Sun.COM>

-    Prashant Baliga <prabalig at>



-    Bill Stoddard([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Nominated Mentors

-    Bill Stoddard([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Sponsoring Entity

- Incubator PMC


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