On Sep 22, 2007, at 2:21 PM, Daniel Kulp wrote:

Due to some license issues pointed out from Kevan and Matthieu as well as some TCK failures when run in Geronimo and the bouncycastle discussions,
we had to rebuild CXF 2.0.2.

Note: the main changes between this and the first take are:
1) NOTICE file has additional stuff to copy contents of NOTICE files from
the included ASL jars.
2) Bouncy Castle jar is removed (patent incumbrance issues) and a note is
added to the README on how to get ws-security working.
3) Several bug fixes in aegis (xfire migration)
4) Several bug fixes to get the Geronimo TCK's passing with 2.0.2.
5) A bunch of files that had missing Apache headers got them added.

Looks good. +1 (non-binding).

Good work getting BouncyCastle out of your distribution. FYI, there are still a few BouncyCastle vestiges that are no longer necessary, IMO. Namely: licenses/bouncy-castle.txt and the Export Notice in your README. IMO, these need not be fixed prior to release, but should be cleaned up in the future...


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