On 9/24/07, Doug Cutting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jim Jagielski wrote:
> > In other words, if the corporate support
> > of the project or podling went away, would they stop
> > developing and working on the codebase because they,
> > after all, had no allegiance in the code at all? Were
> > they, in effect, coders-for-hire?
> Yes, this is a known risk, perhaps the largest risk for Pig's
> incubation.  We must develop a diverse developer community so the
> project can survive the departure of any employer or individual.  Yahoo!
> is aware of this, and seeks non-Yahoo! developers.  This is the primary
> motivation to incubate.  If Yahoo! wished to develop Pig alone, then it
> could simply continue to distribute it under a BSD license.


any corporation can pick a license, host a public repository, build
brand awareness and create a project where the source is open but the
development is closed. the reason to approach apache is that we've had
a reasonable track record in the difficult task of building healthy
and open communties.

> And, yes, some developers may stop contributing when they change
> employment.  But, in my experience, many others will be hired
> specifically for their experience with an Apache project.  I see more
> careers built around Apache experience than short-term coders-for-hire.
>   Today Yahoo! is hiring folks to work on Pig.  Soon, hopefully, other
> companies will do so as well, if they're not already.  There's no shame
> in being paid to work on Apache projects, is there?

of course not

but there has been a definite shift over the years. committers paid to
work full time on a project (as opposed to being allowed to work on
the project in work time) are now more common. it seems comfortable
when a long time contributor is hired to work full time on a project.
now that so many volunteers are now employed to code open source, it
is perhaps inevitable that corporations will look to hire from outside
this pool. i'm not sure (though) that we've had enough time to digest
this phenomenum to really understand it's long term effects on
community health.

this is probably just an indication that it's time to starting thinking...

- robert

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