

On Feb 1, 2008 2:18 PM, Jukka Zitting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Incubator PMC,
> Please vote on accepting the PDFBox project for incubation. The full
> PDFBox proposal is available at the end of this message and as a wiki
> page at http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/PDFBoxProposal. We ask the
> Incubator PMC to sponsor the PDFBox podling, with myself, Jeremias
> Maerki, and Niall Pemberton as the mentors.
> The vote is open for the next 72 hours and only votes from the
> Incubator PMC are binding.
>     [ ] +1 Accept PDFBox as a new podling
>     [ ] -1 Do not accept the new podling (provide reason, please)
> Here's my +1
> BR,
> Jukka Zitting
> ----
> = PDFBox =
> === Abstract ===
> PDFBox is an open source Java PDF library for working with PDF documents.
> === Proposal ===
> The PDFBox library allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation
> of existing documents and the ability to extract content from
> documents. PDFBox also includes several command line utilities. Future
> development plans include extending PDFBox with advanced data
> extraction and high level PDF creation functionality.
> In addition to PDFBox, this proposal also covers the !FontBox and
> !JempBox companion libraries. !FontBox is a Java font library used to
> obtain low level information from font files. !JempBox is a Java
> library that implements Adobe's XMP specification. All these
> components would be incubated as a single Apache PDFBox podling
> project.
> === Background ===
> The PDFBox project started in 2002 and was originally written by Ben
> Litchfield in 2002 and currently lives on SourceForge. The initial
> purpose of PDFBox was to extract text content to be indexed by the
> Lucene search engine.  In addition to text extraction the library also
> supports a low level API for PDF creation and manipulation.  In the
> past, several developers have helped develop specific features in
> PDFBox but none have continued once their specific needs where met.
> In 2006 discussions began with the FOP team to collaborate on a single
> PDF library within the Apache organization.  New projects have
> expressed interest in advancing the functionality of PDFBox.
> Recently, Tika also expressed interest in advancing the content
> extraction capabilities of PDFBox.
> The !FontBox and !JempBox libraries have no dependencies to PDFBox,
> but their primary purpose is to support PDFBox and the development
> community is largely overlapping. It makes sense to include all three
> libraries in a single project.
> === Rationale ===
> The PDF document format is a common format found on internet and
> across industries as a way of sharing documents.  Several Apache
> projects utilize PDF technologies but there is not a single
> independent PDF library within the Apache organization.
> The Apache XML Graphics project (FOP/Batik) has a write-only PDF
> library and is in need of PDF parsing functionality. Many features
> overlap those of PDFBox. This is currently a duplication of effort,
> bringing PDFBox into Apache and combining our efforts will result in a
> more robust PDF library that will be able to support many more use
> cases for working with PDF technologies.
> !FontBox, FOP and Batik all contain font loading/handling code that
> could likely be merged into a single common library either within the
> PDFBox podling or outside it.
> === Initial Goals ===
> The initial goals are:
>   * Advanced text extraction techniques
>   * Increase community involvement
>   * Cooperation with existing Apache projects such as XML Graphics
>   * Increasing support for PDF document features
>   * Adding a high level API for document creation
>   * Adding a streaming API for document creation
>   * PDF/A creation and validation functionality
>   * Review licensing of both bundled and external dependencies
>   * Manage export control notices for cryptographic features
>   * Figure out how to handle font handling code across !FontBox, FOP, and 
> Batik
>   * Replace !JempBox with Adobe's XMP library
> == Current Status ==
> === Meritocracy ===
> Not all initial committers are familiar with the meritocracy
> principles of Apache.  It is expected that the committers that are not
> will learn the meritocracy rules and they will be followed through the
> life of the project.
> === Community ===
> PDFBox has existed for several years on SourceForge and has an active
> community and continues to grow each day.  There are hundreds of
> existing projects that utilize the current version of PDFBox.
> === Core Developers ===
> Ben Litchfield is the main developer on this project although it is
> expected that developers from a variety of existing Apache projects
> will become part of the team.
> === Alignment ===
> The ability to search PDF documents is a basic requirement for any
> enterprise search solution.  PDFBox provides the basic content that is
> needed for content indexing.  This functionality aligns with the those
> of Lucene, Nutch, Tika and UIMA and all users of these projects will
> benefit from continued development of PDFBox.
> PDFBox shares similar font loading and handling needs as FOP and
> Batik, and the code in the !FontBox companion library could well be
> merged with similar code in the other projects.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned products ===
> PDFBox has been in development for over 5 years.  The rate of
> development has varied, but the PDFBox user community has grown each
> year.  PDFBox implements the PDF specification, which is highly
> utilized by companies across the world.  The need for a PDF library is
> strong and is unlikely to change in the near future.
> === "Competing" formats ===
> In recent times, additional paged document formats have been developed
> (or are in development) that have similar goals/functionality:
>   * Microsoft's [http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/xps/xpsspec.mspx XPS]
> (XML-based ZIP container, proprietary core-functionality)
>   * Adobe's [http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/mars/ Mars] (XML-based
> ZIP container, largely based on open standards, extending them where
> necessary)
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> All developers have experience with Open Source projects.
> === Homogenous Developers ===
> The initial set of committers is diverse and the project is likely to
> attract new developers.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> PDFBox is not the primary job for any of the initial committers.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> PDFBox has relationships with the following Apache Products
>   * [http://lucene.apache.org/java/ Apache Lucene] Lucene users
> typically integrate with PDFBox to add PDF indexing capabilities.
>   * [http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/ Lucene Nutch] Nutch currently
> utilizes PDFBox to index PDF documents.
>   * [http://incubator.apache.org/tika/ Tika] Tika currently utilizes
> PDFBox for extracting PDF content.
>   * [http://incubator.apache.org/uima/ Apache UIMA] UIMA analyzes
> unstructured content and would benefit from PDF content.
>   * [http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/ Apache FOP] and
> [http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/batik/ Apache Batik] There's an
> experimental plug-in (currently hosted outside of the project) for FOP
> that uses PDFBox to support embedding of existing PDFs in XSL-FO
> documents for PDF output. Both Batik and FOP have code to parse fonts
> which !FontBox needs to do, too.
> === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> Many existing Apache developers are already familiar with PDFBox.
> PDFBox was initially written to compliment the functionality of Lucene
> and has worked with it's developers over the past several years.
> PDFBox will benefit from closer cooperation with several existing
> Apache projects.
> == Documentation ==
>   * PDFBox ([http://www.pdfbox.org/])
>   * !FontBox ([http://www.fontbox.org/])
>   * !JempBox ([http://www.jempbox.org/])
> == Initial Source ==
> Initial source will come from the existing SourceForge repositories of
> the PDFBox, !FontBox, and !JempBox projects.
> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
> The initial IP submission will be done as a software grant to the ASF.
> == External Dependencies ==
> The "Adobe AFM License" and the "SUN JAI" licenses described below
> need to be reviewed to ensure they comply with Apache license
> standards.
> ||'''Library'''||'''License'''||'''Description'''||
> ||Adobe AFM||Adobe AFM License||Resources for extracting font
> encoding. Bundled inside PDFBox jar file.||
> ||Bouncycastle||BSD Variant||Support for encrypting/decrypting PDF 
> documents.||
> ||IKVM||BSD Variant [1]||Support of PDFBox on .NET platform||
> ||junit||CPL||Unit Testing Framework||
> ||Lucene||ASL||Provide classes for easy Lucene integration||
> ||JAI-CMM||Sun JAI||Provides support from color spaces||
> ''[1] IKVM itself is BSD but contains either GNU Classpath or the
> OpenJDK class library (both GPL with exception). This may need to be
> reviewed, too.''
> == Cryptography ==
> PDFBox implements the RC4 encryption algorithm and utilizes Bouncy
> Castle for additional encryption routines.
> == Required Resources ==
> Mailing lists
> Subversion Directory
>  * https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/pdfbox
> Issue Tracking
> Other Resources
>  * none
> == Initial Committers ==
> || '''Name'''        || '''Email'''                              ||
> '''CLA'''        ||
> || Ben Litchfield    || ben at benlitchfield dot com             || No
>               ||
> || Daniel Wilson     || williamstonconsulting at gmail dot com   || No
>               ||
> || Philipp Koch      || pkoch at apache dot org                  ||
> Yes              ||
> == Affiliations ==
> || '''Name'''        || '''Affiliation''' ||
> || Ben Litchfield    || Independent       ||
> || Daniel Wilson     || DV Brown Company  ||
> || Philipp Koch      || Day Software      ||
> == Sponsors ==
> Champion
>  * Jukka Zitting
> Nominated Mentors
>  * Jukka Zitting
>  * Jeremias Maerki
>  * Niall Pemberton
> Sponsoring Entity
>  * Apache Incubator PMC
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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