On Jan 30, 2008 10:37 PM, Jukka Zitting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> > 3. web page: too concise? too verbose?
> Please include checksums or signatures of the release packages. That
> way we'll have easier time tracking things if the release artifacts
> change for one reason or another.

the raw data is already stored and signed in subversion but the format
is custom xml. if i switch to using xhtml+microformat then the raw
data will be more easily accessible (and yes, i have been reading
restful web services recently). i should be able to add links to the
various sums the audit computes.

> Also, as a general after-the-fact audit, it would be great if the tool
> could do some basic release checks and include the results in the
> report. For example verify that all the checksums and signatures
> included in the dist directory are correct.

henk's scanner already checks signatures and sums but he only posts to
the podling list. he also has some good proposals for hierarchical
signature protection.

but unless someone volunteers, this will have to wait until RAT is
working more completely later this year

> It would be even cooler if
> there was some way (perhaps with explicit release metadata) that would
> link the reported release artifacts to the related vote threads.

would be good but not sure how to do it (quickly). any ideas

- robert

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