Thank you very much for your advice.
I was going to fix that.

Last year I worked as a full-time open source developer at R&D center
at NHN (search service company) for hadoop and hbase, and now i worked
for development projects in real service areas. Some (minchang,
changhee) are my fellow workers, Others { chanwit (Student), yongho
(TMAX software, database company), taehui (KRIBB, biomedical
government research center) } are came from hadoop community.

== Homogenous Developers ==

The current list of committers includes developers from several
different companies ( NHN, corp, TMAX software, Korea Research
Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Students) plus many
independent volunteers. The committers are geographically distributed
across the Europe, and Asia. They are experienced with working in a
distributed environment.

== Reliance on Salaried Developers ==

It is expected that Hama development will occur on both salaried time
and on volunteer time, after hours. While there is reliance on
salaried developers (currently from  NHN, corp, but it's expected that
other company's salaried developers will also be involved), the Hama
Community is very active and things should balance out fairly quickly.
In the meantime,  NHN, corp will support the project in the future by
dedicating 'work time' to Hama, so that there is a smooth transition.


On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Grant Ingersoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 24, 2008, at 1:56 AM, edward yoon wrote:
> > Dear IPMC,
> >
> > I´m still waiting for hadoop's answer, but IMO, I would like to
> > continue to discuss this.
> > Apache (incubator) Pig project is built on top of Hadoop, but it is
> > not a hadoop sub-project.
> >
> > Each different concept of project has inherently different
> > characteristics for its domain,
> > so by knowing the concept of project, we can get a clear view of
> > their project.
> > I think hama applies in this case, too.
> Seems reasonable to bring it back here at this point, since Hadoop has
> not responded.
> Can you fill in the background on the 4 proposed committers a bit?  Do
> you all work together or not?  It's not clear from the proposal, as it
> seems to suggest that you don't (Homogenous Devs section), but then
> later in the Reliance on Salaried Devs it suggests that you 3 of you
> do, but it may just be I am misreading the proposal.
> -Grant
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B. Regards,
Edward yoon @ NHN, corp.

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