If your project's NEW technology needs exposure, if you are in
search of users for these new features or to recruit more committers
to a new code base, and you are in Amsterdam for ApacheCon/EU, this
last reminder message is for you.  We will close the program and
print the final schedule on Tuesday afternoon, so act now!

Or perhaps you want to share a technological leap your project made
in the use of some additional tools, or introduce a new concept in
order to attract folks to a BOF you are hosting?

Just to give you a sample... here are the topics already proposed,
there are 5 15 minutes slots open on Wednesday afternoon and 3 more
slots on Thursday afternoon.  The current Wed/Thurs topics include;

Apache JDO 2.1, an update of the Java Data Objects spec
Mahout (Lucene) - Bringing Machine Learning to Industrial Strength
MIME Magic with Apache Tika
XMPP Server: IM and beyond (Vysper Lab)
Developing OSGi with the Felix SCR Plugin
Apache Sling - A Content Based Web Development Framework
Start loving your middleware with Apache Qpid
Invitation to the Shindig (OpenSocial)

OOXML in Apache POI
An Introduction to W3C State Chart XML (Commons SCXML)
Rolling out Debugable Win32 Binaries
Apache MyFaces Trinidad
What's new in Apache Cactus
Introducing Scala: Developing a new DSL for Apache Camel

This gives you a taste of the sorts of topics being offered in this
concise forum, tailored to the detail (and leaving more exploration
of the technology up to the attendee, through the website, additional
resources, and by corning the speaker after their presentation).  You
have exactly 15 minutes to get the point across.

Note this forum is not for rehashing established technologies or
projects, but for introducing ApacheCon attendees, especially our
fellow ASF contributors, to new code, features, specifications
and so forth.  In other words, it's ideal for the incubator, labs,
but also new sub-projects and new code which is scattered across
the entire foundation!

Won't you join us?  Please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
your session title, abstract, name and short bio (if your bio is not yet
on the ApacheCon website).  Please note; presenting a FFT short session
comes with only the perks of karma and recognition, not the complete set
of speaker perks offered to hour-long session presenters.

Many thanks,

Bertrand, Bill, and Carsten
your FastFeather organizers

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