On 9-Jul-08, at 4:42 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Jochen Wiedmann wrote:
On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
However, the Maven repository situation has little to do with the need for
an Incubator.
Obviously you choose to pick out everying Ron's writing about the
flaws in Maven / the Maven repository while at the same time carefully
ignoring everything he's writing about the "necessity" of a special
incubator repository.

I think you need to reread Roy's post, which spelled out exactly why he
believes "There is no reason for a separate repository."

Noel isn't cherry picking, but your comment is flailing about without any
contribution to what that necessity actually is.

Folks seem to believe maven helps users make decisions about the individual components they want. It does no such thing. It helps users decide to
use a particular top level package with all of its warts, wrinkles and
obscure dependencies, and *shields* the user from those details.

That is not true.

We allow the convenience of allowing the specification of compile time dependencies, but the information for the corresponding dependency graph is present and available in tools like m2eclipse:


That is not obscuring the dependencies in the slightest. The fact is _all_ the dependency information is available. Even on the command line with the -X option you can see what is there. We also have the dependency convergence report which shows everything that's being used. Lots of people are interested in everything they use, and that information is available to users in many convenient ways. The next versions of the visualization will also annotate the origin of a specific artifact.

You can take as much or as little. You can override any individual dependency, anywhere in the graph.

A lot of people here at Apache are talking a keen interest in Maven. If you don't understand how it works ask because there are lots of people, most likely inadvertently, completely describing Maven's capabilities and behaviors incorrectly.

a separate repository would actually run against the end user goals for
Maven.  If they inspect package dependencies, and see foo-incubating
rev 0.0.1 or higher in those dependencies, that's all we need to insure. It's no different than encountering thirdparty bar rev 0.0.1 beta or higher.

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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

What matters is not ideas, but the people who have them. Good people can fix bad ideas, but good ideas can't save bad people.

 -- Paul Graham

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