
We plan to prepare a preliminary proposal that should address many of these 
questions (technical state, membership, interfaces with other technologies, 
etc). I'll send it to the mailing list for discussion as soon as possible.. I 
can tell you that the current version of the framework meets many of the 
original design goals (should, will). It is a version 2.5 (fairly mature 
software base). Actually there are several production applications that have 
been built on top of  this pattern oriented framework.

We look forward to having this discussion.



--- On Thu, 7/17/08, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Jt Pattern Oriented Framework (looking for champion/mentors)
Date: Thursday, July 17, 2008, 3:22 PM

David Sheppard wrote:

> Our project (Jt Pattern Oriented Framework []) is
> interested in joining the ASF incubator.

> After getting familiar with the incubator policies and procedures, we are
> looking for people interested in becoming a champion or a mentor.  We hope
> to learn more about ASF and pursue the proposal process.

As you can see, several people have already taken a look at the project,
each from their own perspective.  I, for example, looked at it last night,
and wondered how it would tie into/relate with Ode, Tuscany, and other
similar/related ASF projects, given the emphasis on messaging, BPM, etc.

Can you tell us more about who is currently involved, and the current
technical state of the project (q.v. a number of the statements in the
proposal were phrased as "will" and "should")?

        --- Noel

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