Hi Martijn,

On Aug 24, 2008, at 4:59 AM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:

There is always a lot of confusion on whose votes are binding in our
podlings. The PPMC guide has a small, easy to overlook sentence which
states the obviously not so obvious: "And note that binding votes are
those cast by Incubator PMC members."

I believe that the confusion is among people who have not actually read the guide in detail, and think they know the process, or think they have a better idea of how to run the process.

Any objections to crafting such a document, and who would want to take
the lead? As this would be a guide, this would be CTR.

While I have no objection to your crafting such a document, I suspect that documentation isn't the issue. It's failure to read the documentation or failure to ask questions where the existing documentation isn't clear.

Do you have any ideas on how to make sure that people read and understand the documentation, either the existing or proposed update?


IMO a structure would be something like this:

- when to vote
- how to vote
- whose vote is binding
- when to nofify the Incubator PMC


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Craig L Russell
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