Hi Niclas,

Thanks for your feedback, sincerely. Appreciate the time taken.

I'm really not a process junkie and I'm definitely not trying to impose any
ideas here. This suggestion is really off the back of a few items coming up
during our previous graduation debate which were quite a surprise to us at
the time.

My view is that this kind of info might be a useful contribution, from the
pov of our podling and the other incubating projects.

Please don't all flame me at once, but the docs on the incubation process
are not always as detailed as they could be. This is an area I thought I
could help with (docs being a thing of mine).

I'll wait to see if anyone else has a view and then decide what next ! I'd
be happy to simply get the tuppence worth from our mentors instead if the
consensus is that this isn't a good idea .....

Thanks again,

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 4:28 AM, Niclas Hedhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 11:45 PM, Marnie McCormack <
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Some of you with long memories may recall previous threads about project
> > diversity.
> >
> > At the end of one such debate, I put forward some ideas about what items
> > might benefit from some good practice guidelines (see below).
> >
> > My special interest is Qpid, as I'll happy submit, and the discussion
> > previously raged about diversity measures for graduation. There was much
> > debate, and support for subjective assessment. All good stuff, but I'd
> like
> > to capture the kinds of best practices measures people used in that
> debate.
> >
> > I'd like to pull some documentation together to flesh this out. *Would
> > anyone care to work with me on this, and then I'll bring it back here for
> > review/discussion/contribution ?* I was hoping for the gnarly wisdom of
> an
> > old-timer :-)
> >
> > What do you think ?
> *I* think that quite a lot of us don't want any more rules and guidelines,
> and are quite happy to have a subjective view on whether a podling is ready
> to graduate. The driving force, IMHO, should be that the Incubator PMC
> doesn't *want* podlings to hang around for long, and basically should push
> them into a graduatable state.
> From the podling's perspective, an important part is to have and keep
> active
> Mentors. If they are AWOL (which happens to all of us at times) yell and we
> will try to find new ones. If you can find other ASF committers and Members
> interested to participate in your mailing list discussions, then that would
> be an enormous help in my subjective view of readiness, as their word would
> weigh in heavily.
> As for more documentation; I am -0 on that, but I guess Craig and Martijn
> will probably jump at the opportunity ;o) Documents are hard to write and
> even harder to keep up-to-date.
> Cheers
> Niclas

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