Pig Developers and Mentors,
Pig has been incubating for over a year now. In this period of time, we
had extended our community with 2 new committers, had a release,
resolved 300 issues. We have made some significant code improvements
including pipeline redesign, addition of streaming and limit
functionality, grunt shell improvements and significant performance
speedup. We have a constant traffic and lively discussions on both
pig-dev and pig-user mailing lists and we conduct our business in the
open by publishing proposals and discussing them in the mailing lists.
As of now, we have completed graduation requirements as described in
I would like to call for a graduation vote at this time.
I would also propose that we graduate as a subproject of Hadoop. There
are several advantages to this approach. First, this would allow us to
extend both our user and developer base. Second, it would bring benefits
to the Hadoop community by providing a higher level interface and easier
entry point for new users. Third, having an established project to
provide guidance, would help Pig to become a mature participant in the
open source community.
Please, vote by the end of the day on Thursday, 10/9.
PS: I am ccing  hadoop and incubator general mailing lists; however, no
action is required from them at this time. This step is for Pig
community only.

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