Incubator PMC,

Please vote on accepting the OpenWebBeans project for incubation. The full
OpenWebBeans proposal is available at the end of this message and as a wiki
page at

Here is my +1

= OpenWebBeans, Web Beans Container Implementation =

=== Abstract ===

Open Web Beans will be an ASL-licensed implementation of the Web Beans 
Specification which is defined as JSR-299. .

=== Proposal ===

Web Beans specification is an effort for defining stateful, contextual 
component models and its management for the enterprise applications that run on 
the Java EE 6 containers. It is a big step that it unifies the EJB (Enterprise 
Java Beans) and JSF (Java Server Faces) standart component models easily with 
simplifying the complex programming model from the developer perspective. 
Currently there is no standard based approach for integrating EJB session beans
as a JSF based managed bean. Moreover, EJB does not define any contextual 
component model. Developer is responsible for managing all the lifecycle of the
EJB components. Web Beans provides the management and lifecycle of the 
components within the container with a standart fashion. It uses the Java 5.0 
annotation capability to further easing the configuration efforts.

Altough Web Beans simplifies the EJB programming model within the enterprise 
projects, it could also be used outside of the Java EE containers, such as 
Apache Tomcat with its powerful component and context model. 

Open Web Beans Project is responsible for implementing the runtime container 
contract for the Web Beans specification. Besides the implementation, Open Web 
Beans Project will implement the core built-in components that further 
simplifies the developer complex interactions with other Java EE specific 
enterprise operations. For example, it defines the JMS (Java Messaging Service) 
Web Beans Component used for enterprise messaging, Logging Component for 
logging, Security Component for security etc.

=== Background ===

The development of this project is started by the individual developer as an 
open source project that is hosted on the sourceforge. Using the Open Web Beans 
project, enterprise developers unifies the EJB and JSF technlogies together 
easily. Neither of these standarts solves the all problems of the Java EE 
environment. While the EJB components solves the security, transactions, 
concurrency and scalability problems, JSF defines the web-tier presentation 
framework with its graphical component models, events and managed bean 

Web Beans enables the developers to unify these component models easily within 
well defined semantics. Applications that uses the Open Web Beans Project may 
get more advanced context and component model provided by the project.

=== Rationale ===

Current Web Beans specificatin is in the EDR (Early Draft Review) level now, 
and no reference implementation is available yet. Introducing the early 
implementation of the specification to the enterprise community with using 
other Apache related projects, such as Open EJB, Open JPA and MyFaces, will 
attract a diverse community. Moreover, Open Web Beans will work closely with 
the other Apache projects such that it depends on the Open EJB, Open JPA and My 
Faces. Moreover, Geronimo may include it as a Web Beans Container when it 
implements Java EE 6 specification as a runtime environment in which Web Beans 

Current Web Beans specification may be used in the Java EE 5 environment. Its 
very powerful type safe and EL component model injection mechanisms and other 
very useful stuffs could attracts the community that will use it in their 
current enterprise projects.

=== Initial Goals ===

The initial goals of the Open Web Beans Project are

 * Fully implement the JSR-299 specification.
 * Attracts a community around the current code base.
 * Active relationship with the other dependent projects to further develop 
some useful Web Beans Components.

== Current Status ==

=== Meritocracy ===

Initial developer of the project is familiar with the meritocracy principles of 
Apache. He knows that the open source gets power from its great developers and 
freedom. He also developed some other open source projects. We will follow the 
normal meritocracy rules also with other potential contributors.

=== Community ===

There is a great community within the Open EJB, Open JPA, Geronimo and MyFaces 
Apache projects. Open Web Beans project is very related with these projects and 
in the some cases, it enhances these projects. We are thinking that Open Web 
Beans project gets strong community because it simplifies and unifies the using 
of these projects. It simplifies the developer effort for building complex 
enterprise applications. 

=== Core Developers ===

Open Web Beans project has been developing by the open source developer Gurkan 
Erdogdu as a sole contributor.

=== Alignment ===

Open Web Beans project will be a candidate for use in Geronimo AS as a default 
Web Beans Container. Other projects could benefit from the Open Web Beans 
project as a general purpose component and context management. 

Open Web Beans project is closely aligned with the Open EJB, Open JPA and 
MyFaces projects perfectly. It depends on these projects to satisfy its 

== Known Risks ==

=== Orphaned products ===

Even if the initial committer of the project has no plan to leave the active 
development, it must necessary to get other committers for the project. So that 
it less dependent on the single developer. The source code of the project is 
well documented and new committers could easily grasp the details. Initial 
committer continues to support actively this project.

=== Inexperience with Open Source ===

Initial developer have worked on open source project before, including the 
JBoss Cache IDE while committer as the JBoss IDE.

=== Homogeneous Developers ===

Altough the initial committer of the project is single, developer team may be 
increased within the active project lifecycle from the different locations.

=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===

Project currently has no salaried developers. All the commitment is done by the 
volunteer developer.

=== Relationships with Other Apache Products ===

Open Web Beans will likely be used in the Geronimo and Apache Tomcat. It also 
requires Open JPA, Open EJB and MyFaces.

=== An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===

Open Web Beans project initial committer is the strong supporter of the open 
source projects. Initial committer of the project thinks that ASF has great 
place that provides wider colloboration and support of the open source project 
and it respects meritrocracy. Also, Open Web Beans project is embraced by the 
Geronimo and other Apache projects. Open Web Beans project is closely related 
with the some of the other Apache projects.

== Documentation ==

Currently there is no documentation about the project. But the all the source 
code is well documented.

== Initial Source ==

The source for Open Web Beans project that is to be imported is currently 
within the project at and is all 
ASL2.0 licensed.

== External Dependencies ==

All dependencies have Apache compatible licenses. These include BSD and CDDL 
licensed dependencies. 

== Required Resources ==

Mailing lists


Subversion Directory


Issue Tracking


Other Resources

 * Wiki

== Initial Committers ==

|| '''Name'''        || '''Email'''                              || '''CLA'''   
|| Gurkan Erdogdu   || gurkanerdogdu at yahoo dot com || no              ||

== Sponsors ==

We kindly request the Apache Incubator PMC to be the sponsor for this project.


 * Matthias Wessendorf (matzew at apache dot org)

Nominated Mentors

 * Kevan Miller (kevan dot miller at gmail dot com)


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