Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> > Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> >> ...Just ran clutch to process the Pig graduation changes, inconsistencies
> >> between [1] and [2] were detected correctly, everything looks good.
> >
> > There is something wrong there. Clutch should not
> > fail like this. The Pig entry should simply be
> > removed from the table....
> I don't think Clutch failed - what I did is

Damnit, sorry to cause you effort. It was my side.
I had neglected to do 'svn up' to pick up your
changes to projects/index.xml file and
crashed for me. I read your message too quickly
and thought you saw the same.

Still, needs to handle that.
> 1. Move pig from the "incubating" to "graduated" section of
> projects/index.html (or rather the xml source of that)
> 2. Run clutch before removing pig from the wiki ReportingSchedule page
> At that point clutch complained about pig missing from
> projects/index.html, as expected.

Ah, good test. Thanks.

> 3. Remove pig from ReportingSchedule
> 4. Run clutch again, everything looks good to me, pig removed from the
> clutch.html page.


> BTW I don't think there's a link to clutch.html on the incubator website.

Yeah, i haven't yet figured out which section of the
left-hand menu to put it.

I am inclined towards "Podling Guides" section just above
the "Graduation" item, rather than the more official
top-most section. I see this as serving many purposes.

I will soon go ahead with that unless i hear otherwise,
i.e. i presume that the IPMC is okay with this approach.


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