On Thursday 13 November 2008 10:49:02 pm William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> Just two concerns...
>   "The project already uses core libraries from the Apache WS project
>    including Apache Axis2/Java, Rampart and Sandesha2. In addition, the
> PHP, Perl, and Python versions use the Apache Axis2/C libraries. We hope to
> develop versions that utilize at least the Apache CXF and Apache Qpid
> projects in the future. For build we intend to use Apache Maven.
> Is it anticipated this will graduate into the WS TLP?  If so, has WS voted
> to sponsor the project into incubation?

As Paul and Sanjiva kind of mentioned, this really doesn't need to be decided 
now.    We DID talk about this a bit when we were working on the proposal and 
really didn't have a "good" answer right now.   

The goal of the project is to NOT be tied to Axis2 and the other WebServices 
project stuff..   Axis2 will be one implementation.   .NET another.   CXF 
another.    Hopefully we'll get others as well.  Maybe Metro,  Spring 
WebServices,  Oracle/BEA,  etc.....    Thus, tying it directly to the "axis2" 
stuff would be a disservice to Stonehenge and what it's trying to achieve.   
That's actually part of how the project would like to "diversify" and grow.   
Bring in implementations (and committers) for other toolkits.

THAT said, there are talks to pull Axis out TLP with WebServices being 
the "common" stuff.   If/when that happens, then it MIGHT make more sense to 
put it there.   But that depends on events outside the Stonehenge project and 
isn't really something we wanted to depend on at proposal time.   Thus, the 
decision was made to not put that tie in right now.   That is something that 
can be resolved when the project is closer to graduation.

Besides, don't you think the WS project is big enough already?   :-)

Daniel Kulp

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