On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 7:06 AM, Andrus Adamchik <and...@objectstyle.org> wrote:
>> Additional concern, it does not appear that the mentors are planning to
>> be on the PMC. Why not?
> Why is this a concern? Mentors volunteer to do mentoring to ensure the
> project is viable and understands the Apache way, not necessarily to develop
> code. If you trace the existing Apache projects back to the incubator, I'd
> suspect 70% of them will not have their original mentors on the PMC.
> Andrus
> Apache Click Mentor

The incubator projects i've been involved in have all had at least
some of mentors stay on the PMC when graduating. It certainly wont
hurt having some extra people around who are familiar with both the
project and the ASF. In this case when the proposed PMC is so small i
can't see why you wouldn't want to add them, to avoid the problem of
needing 3 binding votes when someone is out on holiday, or even if
just to save getting bogged down in general@ debate on whether the PMC
is big enough to graduate.

It does look at little odd to enter incubation with 4 committers and
leave with only 3 on the PMC but still the original 4 are all active
enough to have just voted for graduation on the click dev list. Also,
about 10 people voted on click-dev for graduation, are any more of
those active enough to be made committers and pmc members?

What is the diversity of the three, do you all work for different companies?


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