Hi Apache Community.

It seems as if our recently changed name of Apache Ki is not free from
potential naming conflict problems, and we'll need to change our name again.

So, we're reaching out to everyone and anyone who would like to contribute a
new name to the suggestion pool.  Here's how the process will work:

1. All new names will be accepted by anyone for 1 week.  Starting now,
ending 27 May 2009 Midnight GMT-8.
2. We'll present the compiled list of submitted names in a new email.
Everyone will have 72 hours to vote on their favorite.
3. The top 5 names by vote count will be the finalists.
4. 72 more hours to vote to reduce the list to 2 final names.
5. 1 final 72 hour period to vote on one of these 2 names.  The name that
wins by simple majority will be the new project name.

Please ensure any name submission is free and clear to the best of your
knowledge from any Trademarks or Patents by performing a search [1].  Also
if you can get little or no results in Google and Yahoo, that would be a
great candidate too.

Name submission starts NOW.

We look forward to all name suggestions, and we appreciate anyone who wishes
to participate!

Thanks so much,

Les Hazlewood
Apache JSecurity/Apache Ki/Apache ??? member

[1] http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/gate.exe?f=searchss&state=4002:3c9s6h.1.1

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