Thanks Kevan, and thank you to others who have voted as well.

Here's a summary of the vote so far:

There have been 8 total votes.  From the public list of Incubator PMC
members, 6 of the votes are binding (the others may be as well, but not
reflected on the external list).  The binding votes include:

Kevan Miller
Bertrand Delacretaz
Don Brown
Craig L Russell
Davanum Srinivas
Niclas Hedman

Is this enough of a quorum to begin incubation?  Again, thanks to those
that have provided input both into the proposal and via this vote.  We
appreciate the reception of the community and are excited to get started
with the project.



Nicholas Gallardo
WebSphere  - REST & WebServices Development
Phone: 512-286-6258
Building: 903 / 5G-016

             Kevan Miller                                              
   >                                                    To
             05/21/2009 05:53                                           cc
                                       Re: [VOTE] Accept Wink proposal for
             Please respond to         incubation                      

On May 15, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Nicholas L Gallardo wrote:

> Dear Incubator PMC Members,
> The Wink team would like to officially present the proposal for the
> Wink
> REST runtime for incubation in the Apache Incubator.  This proposal
> has
> been surfaced previously and is also available at:
> Please cast your votes:
> [ ] +1, Accept Wink for incubation
> [ ] +0, Indifferent to Wink incubation
> [ ] -1, Reject Wink for incubation (if so, please help us understand
> why)



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