Yes, Wookie is a server-side Widget repository and runtime/state management application that implements the Google Wave Gadget APIs; it has an API for connecting to applications that manage participants and contexts, which can include waves but also traditional CMS and intranet groups etc. So it could plug into a Wave Server (c) to handle the gadget management task.


On 30 Jul 2009, at 06:55, Bernd Fondermann wrote:

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 15:58, Scott
Wilson<> wrote:
Wookie implements the Wave Gadget API, which is one part of a Google Wave
system, but not the Wave Protocol itself.

It might be interesting if Vysper could make use of Wookie for the wave
gadgets part.

Is Wookie a server-side technology? Otherwise I don't see the link
between both.
Maybe it could be the other way round (Wookie using Vysper), if Wookie
makes use of the XMPP protocol.

Of course, when it comes to implementing Wave, all projects should join efforts.

Here is a short wrap-up of what you need to implement Wave:
+ a Wave client - this is a very fat client, and it's also a XMPP client
+ a server-side "Wave Provider", consisting of
 (a.) Network Server(s)
 (b.) Wave Store
 (c.) Wave Server

In this setup, I'd see (a.) as a XMPP server running the Wave Protocol
(an extension of XMPP), probably tunneling through HTTP[2]. Compared
to implementing XMPP, implementing the Wave protocol extension should
be relatively easy.
The hard and critical part is definitively (c.), with all the
Operational Transformation stuff going on. Google starts open sourcing
this at [1].




On 29 Jul 2009, at 12:24, Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:

Christian Grobmeier wrote:



I know my request might be a bit unusual, but is somebody here
preparing an idea for implementing the Google Wave Protocol? I might
want to follow, if somebody does.

You may ask Bernd Fondermann about that. He has started a project called
Vysper ( which is a XMPP server

cordialement, regards,
Emmanuel Lécharny

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