Hey thrift folks,

Someone just pointed out


....I'm afraid that's not exactly what we'd like to see. Can you
please spend some time reviewing the pages at


? It would be really good if y'all could expend the effort to make a
release [1].

((A release in the apache sense is an important milestone. Among other
things it implies a whole bunch of legal checking has been done, i's
are dotted and t's are crossed. The apache thrift project and the
responsible PMC (until you graduate, that's the incubator PMC) make an
explicit decision (through voting) to release a piece of software to
the "general" public. Its a vital step in the lifecycle of any apache
project. "check out from SVN here" is not really what we're looking
for, and "clone this non-ASF-hosted git repository" is a bit worse
than that.))

Please check in with your incubator mentors if you need any more help
figuring out what to do. Thanks!!


- Leo

PS: I'm not on thrift-dev@; feel free to CC gene...@incubator if you
want a response from me! :)

[1] at a very minimum you really need appropriate disclaimers, i.e. stuff like

"Apache Thrift is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache
Software Foundation (ASF). Incubation is required of all newly
accepted projects until a further review indicates that the
infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have
stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects.
While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the
completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the
project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF."

on the download page and the home page

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