
Add me as a contributor. I actually work on something related to that
in my company so I think I can help and can learn more too :).

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 12:25 PM, jean-frederic clere <jfcl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> +1 Add me as Mentor if you need someone more :-)
> Cheers
> Jean-Frederic
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [PROPOSAL] Libcloud Project
> Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 23:59:36 -0700
> From: Paul Querna <p...@querna.org>
> Reply-To: general@incubator.apache.org
> To: general@incubator.apache.org
> Hi,
> I would like to propose incubating the existing Libcloud project to
> join the ASF:
> Proposal  Wiki: <http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/LibcloudProposal>
> Libcloud is a unified Python API around many common cloud services
> provider, and I believe it could benefit greatly by joining the Apache
> Software Foundation.  I also believe the ASF needs more Python
> projects, and more projects involved in the developing cloud
> infrastructure.  We still need a few mentors, so feel free to signup
> :-)
> We would appreciate feedback and comments on the proposal.
> Full proposal is bellow.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> ------------------------
> Libcloud, a unified interface to the cloud
> Abstract
> libcloud (<http://www.libcloud.org>) is a pure python client library
> for interacting with many of the popular cloud server providers. It
> was created to make it easy for developers to build products that work
> between any of the services that it supports.
> Proposal
>    * Provide unified API for manipulating servers instances across
> many hosting providers who provide an API to manipulate instances.
> Current API includes: list, reboot, create, destroy, list images, list
> sizes.
>    * (future) Provide utilities for manipulating and creating server
> images in many formats. (See the independent Stacklet project for
> ideas)
>    * (future) Provide unified API for storing large objects on
> popular hosting provider storage APIs.
> Background
> While there are some projects to create open standards for
> interoperability within the cloud, most have failed to gain widespread
> adoption. Libcloud takes the approach of exposing a unified API to
> cover multiple vendor's APIs, and in the future to support standard
> APIs, assuming they become prevalent.
> Rationale
> There is a strong need in the developing cloud infrastructure for a
> community supported, high quality, and vendor independent tool set for
> managing servers and their resources. When new servers are just an API
> call away, traditional infrastructure models are changing quickly.
> Having a good library built around Apache's values and tradition will
> enable new server infrastructure to evolve much more quickly.
> Initial Goals
> Libcloud is an existing open source project, with patches from many
> different contributors. We view the moving to Apache as a way to
> improve this community, and look into future APIs around creating
> server images and large object storage.
> Current Status
> Libcloud is already open source under the ASL 2.0:
>    * Libcloud Website <http://www.libcloud.org>
>    * Libcloud Mailing Lists <http://groups.google.com/group/libcloud>
>    * Libcloud Source Control <http://github.com/cloudkick/libcloud>
> Meritocracy
> Libcloud has involvement from members of both the ASF and other open
> source projects. Communication is driven by both IRC and E-Mail lists.
> Community
> Currently libcloud has several contributors, but not a large user
> community other than a few companies. We would like to increase our
> userbase as part of the incubator process.
> Core Developers
> Alex Polvi who wrote most of the original code is familiar with open
> source from working at OSUOSL and at Mozilla. Tom Davis drove much of
> the re factoring of the initial code base. Jed Smith, Ivan Meredith,
> Jeremy Orem, Jerry Chen and Paul Querna (ASF member) have all
> contributed mainly to developing provider specific drivers.
> Alignment
> Currently there are not many Apache communities involved with cloud
> computing or python based infrastructure. We believe introducing such
> a community is a good thing for the Apache Software Foundation.
> Known Risks
> Orphaned products
> libcloud is being used actively by Cloudkick to develop services. It
> is a core part of our ongoing infrastructure improvements.
> Inexperience with Open Source
> libcloud was open sourced in July 2009, during OSCON. Core
> contributors include former employees of Mozilla and an ASF member.
> Homogenous Developers
> Much of the initial development was done by Cloudkick, but much of the
> core design was re-factored by the community, and many of the drivers
> for each provider have been contributed by 3rd parties.
> Reliance on Salaried Developers
> The majority, but not all, of the developers are paid by their
> employer to work on libcloud at this time.
> Relationships with Other Apache Products
> Libcloud doesn't share many attributes with existing Apache projects
> due to it being in Python and addressing a new need.
> A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
> Libcloud project seeks to build a last community around cloud API
> interoperability, and is not fascinated with any short term gains of
> being associated with the Apache Brand.
> Documentation
> TODO: links to related material on Cloud APIs/interop (?)
> Initial Source
> Initial source is contained completely inside the libcloud github
> repository.
> External Dependencies
>    * zope.interface
>    * For Python =< 2.5, a JSON Parser such as SimpleJSON is required.
> Cryptography
> Uses standard Python APIs for SSL/HTTPS.
> Required Resources
> Mailing lists
>    * libcloud-dev
>    * libcloud-commits
>    * libcloud-private
> Subversion
>    * https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/libcloud
> Issue Tracking
>    * JIRA (LCLD)
> Initial Committers
>    * Alex Polvi <alex polvi.net>
>    * Dan Di Spaltro <dan.dispaltro gmail.com>
>    * Ivan Meredith <ivan ivan.net.nz>
>    * Jed Smith <jsmith linode.com>
>    * Jeremy Orem <jeremy.orem gmail.com>
>    * Jerry Chen <github jcsalterego.otherinbox.com>
>    * Paul Querna <pquerna apache.org>
>    * Tom Davis <tom dislocatedday.com>
> Sponsors
> Champion
>    * Paul Querna
> Nominated Mentors
>    * Paul Querna
> Sponsoring Entity
>    * Incubator PMC
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