Jason, I'm sorry to hear you won't be able to continue working on the
project.  In the time you were with us you made some significant
contributions and your input will be missed.

As for the threatening emails, I just want to clarify that those have not
come from anyone working on the Wink project that also works for IBM.  I
have not been aware of any such communication and cannot speak to the
source or the context of any such communication.


             Jason Dillon                                              
             om>                                                        To
             Sent by: Jason            wink-...@incubator.apache.org   
             Dillon                                                     cc
             <jason.dil...@gma         general@incubator.apache.org    
             il.com>                                               Subject
                                       Remove me from commiters        
             11/24/2009 03:04                                          
             Please respond to                                         

Sorry folks, after my massive falling out with IBM.... I'm unable to help
out with any more wink development.  I wish things had turned out
differently, mostly on the heads of IBM... no chance I will *ever* work
with them again.

I wish you all the best, but I am afraid I can not continue working on this

Sorry it has taken so long, got some threatening emails from IBM on the
subject, so I kept quiet.  But I feel its not fair, so i wanted to
officially resign.  I hope that does not have any effect or your



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