Hey folks,

The incubator is here to help. It is about education. It is about teaching podlings how to work here at apache, about showing people what to be aware of.

The incubator is *not* here to assess or judge or dictate or lecture or draft policy or go on long rants about The One True Way To Do X or to have a Long Argument About Whether Anyone Did Anything Wrong. What not to do is important: the best way to learn is to learn by doing, and by doing something fun, and all this other stuff really gets in the way.

When addressing a (potential) project or discussing it here on general@, please do take care to always get off your soap box first, and please always remember you are here to help them. If what you're going to say about a project won't help anyone, please do reconsider sending that e-mail.

Just a friendly reminder...

thanks for reading!


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