2009/12/14 Noel J. Bergman <n...@devtech.com>:
> The Incubator is running smoothly, with nothing requiring the Board's
> attention at this time.
> There was some discussion regarding publishing of docs to the site, and
> whether docs for an intermediate state are or are not to be treated the same
> as a code release.  Unclear that it is in any way an Incubator issue, as
> opposed to an ASF-wide topic.
> There is discussion of an OpenCMIS project, with some people wanting it, and
> others concerned about incubating two projects in the same domain at the
> same time.  There is also discussion of incubating a JSR-303 Bean Validation
> project.
> Pivot and OpenWebBeans are set to graduate.  Apache Clerezza is set to start
> (q.v., http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/ClerezzaProposal).
> Shindig failed to report.

Apologies for the late update, here is the Shindig report.


Apache Shindig is an OpenSocial container and helps you to start
hosting OpenSocial apps quickly by providing the code to render
gadgets, proxy requests, and handle REST and RPC requests. Apache
Shindig entered the incubator 2007-12-03.

The following tasks have been completed since the last reporting period.

    * Multiple licensing issues have been cleaned up and we have
successful RAT tests in place.
    * Successful release of shindig 1.1-BETA5 on 11/24/2009, we now
have multiple committers that can cut releases.
    * Approval of two new commiters.
    * Created distribution area with KEYS and our 1.0.0 and 1.1-BETA5 releases.
    * Updated Website

The following items are planned for the next reporting period:

    * Start graduation process.
    * Official 1.1 release.

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