

On Jan 18, 2010, at 12:17 PM, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

Per the previous proposal that was sent to gene...@incubator, I'd like
to now call a vote for accepting OODT into the Incubator.

[ ] +1 - Accept OODT into the Incubator
[ ] -1 - Do not accept OODT into the Incubator (rationale strongly desired!)

Per the proposal below, the mentors for this proposal are myself,
Ross, Jean-Frederic, and Ian.

Unless there are any extenuating circumstances, I will close this vote
on Thursday morning, January 21.

Thanks.  -- justin


OODT, a grid middleware framework for science data processing,
information integration, and retrieval.


OODT is a grid middleware framework used on a number of successful
projects at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of
Technology, and many other research institutions and universities,
specifically those part of the:

National Cancer Institute's (NCI's) Early Detection Research Network
(EDRN) project - over 40+ institutions all performing research into
discovering biomarkers which are early indicators of disease.

NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS) - NASA's planetary data archive, a
repository and registry for all planetary data collected over the past
30+ years.

various Earth Science data processing missions, including
Seawinds/QuickSCAT, the Orbiting Carbon Observatory, the NPP Sounder
PEATE project, and the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission.

From the OODT website:

It's middleware for metadata:

Transparent access to distributed resources
Data discovery and query optimization
Distributed processing and virtual archives

It's a software architecture:

Models for information representation
Solutions to knowledge capture problems
Unification of technology, data, and metadata


OODT is an established open source project, with 9+ years of
existence, and deployment at universities, federal research
institutions, other NASA centers, and the NIH (it won runner-up NASA
software of the year in 2003). It has a strong community of those that
operate and support its growth. Our proposal is to bring OODT into
Apache to strengthen its support and its capabilities even further on
the laurels of Apache's brand and its growing huge community of
developers from all over the world. In short, bringing OODT into
Apache will significantly enhance OODT's widespread use, will likely
improve its codebase, and furthermore will help Apache philosophy and
community spread into OODT's already large community-base reaching
across government, academia and industry.

OODT will be, to the best of our knowledge, the first grid community
project to bear the Apache brand. By grid technology, we mean a
technology that provides the ability to create virtual organizations,
as originally described by Kesselman and Foster in their seminal paper
on grid computing. OODT provides both computational and data grid
support, and is built with a component-philosophy. OODT includes
components that allow for virtual information integration across
organizations (provided by the Profile, Product and Query server
components), and that allow for distributed data management and
processing across heterogeneous virtual organizations (provided by the
Catalog and Archive Service set of components, including File Manager,
Workflow Manager and Resource Manager).

Each set of components exist as independently organized Maven2
projects, that reference each other (where appropriate), forming a
layered set of components and a framework for grid computing.


OODT is an established project within JPL and in use at several NASA
centers, as well as univerities, and other government organizations
and industrial collaborations. Chris Mattmann, a JPL employee, and ASF
PMC (Lucene) and Committer (Nutch, Tika), has been working for the
past 2 years on obtaining the necessary permission from JPL to release
OODT into Apache. After initially being stalled, JPL has granted
permission to allow OODT into Apache.

Through his academic relationship with Justin Erekrantz, Apache
President, and through their collective Ph.D. studies, OODT has been
discussed between Chris and Justin on several occasions, and Justin
offered to help champion OODT into the Apache Incubator when JPL was
ready to release OODT. In December 2009, that permission was granted.

This proposal is the result of the above efforts and related
discussions. Some alternatives to incubation, like Apache Labs came up
during the discussions but we believe that taking the project to the
Incubator is the best way to start growing a viable Apache-based
community to sustain OODT. Furthermore, given its larger code base and
existing sub-projects, the goal would be for OODT to leverage the
incubator to graduate into Apache's first top-level grid project,
rather than graduate into a sub-project of an existing TLP.


Grid computing has been around for the past 10 years and has gained
widespread notoriety and attention in industry and academia.
Scientific collaborations are increasingly virtual and require the
capabilities (data and compute) of thousands of computers and
resources that span organizations. There are a number of existing grid
technologies (Globus being the most popular, DSpace, iRODS/Storage
Resource Broker, see this paper for a full study), however Apache has
no current grid technology under its umbrella and world reknown think
tank. Morever, efforts are few and far between in terms of standing up
Apache-based software that is applicable to the scientific community
and grid community outside of use of fine-grained components in these
systems. Other open source organizations (e.g., the Global
Organization for Earth System Science Portals, GO-ESSP) have embraced
the construction of such technology and there is a lot of work going
on, e.g., at NOAA. This proposal aims to remedy this fact and to bring
scientific data management/grid software into the Apache family and
its worldwide community.

OODT is a widely successful grid project with applicability and
existing deployments across broad-reaching domains (planetary and
earth sciences, cancer research/biomedicine, climate modeling and
atmospheric science, etc.). The marriage of OODT and Apache will
engender OODT's widespread, global use via the Apache brand, and will
make Apache a player in the grid/scientific data community.

Initial Goals

The initial goals of the proposed project are:

Stand up a sustaining Apache-based community around the OODT codebase.
Active relationships and possible cooperation with related projects
and communities.
Refactor and bring up-to-date the OODT profile and product server components.
Explore various underlying communication substrates. OODT currently
uses REST (via its Web-Grid component).
Create configuration-based OODT deployments. Currently the deployments
are primarily code-based, or the configuration is strewn about the
various sub-components. The goal would be to bring this configuration
under a single umbrella project. The idea would be to create science
data pipelines from configuration.
Explore Python-based client and server implementations of OODT and
implementations in other languages (Ruby).

Current Status

Many of the proposed initial committers are familiar with the
meritocracy principles of Apache, and have already worked on the
various source codebases (contributing via patches, emails, JIRA
issues, and in Mattmann's case, as a Nutch, and Tika committer, and
Lucene PMC member). We will follow the normal meritocracy rules also
with other potential contributors.

There is an existing, established community of developers and users of
OODT within over 40 centers at NASA, NIH, DOE and academia, however
there is no Apache OODT community as of yet. Our principal goal of
this effort is to leverage the Apache Incubator to grow an Apache
community base (in addition to OODT's existing community), and to
build a self-sustaining community around this shared vision, and
eventual Apache TLP status for OODT. With many sub projects (CAS,
Product/Profile servers, Query Server, Web-grid, commons, etc.), OODT
should attract a broad audience of developers with various interests.

Core Developers
The initial set of developers comes from NASA JPL, and with various
backgrounds, with different but compatible needs for the proposed
project. JPL is home to data management and grid projects spanning the
domains of cancer research/bioinformatics, earth science, planetary
science, astrophysics, and climate modeling.

As Apache's first grid-based framework will likely be widely used by
various open source, scientific and commercial projects both together
with and independent of other Apache tools. With OODT's existing
community we will also bring developers and organizations outside of
Apache into the Apache ecosystem.

Known Risks

Orphaned products
OODT has supported itself through successful deployments at NASA, at
the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), and recently at
DOE-based laboratories and at academic centers. Further, OODT has been
an active participant in IEEE/ACM-based conferences and
meetings/journal publications over the past 9 years. There is active
support on several existing NASA earth science missions, and the team
at JPL is experienced and will continue to champion and develop OODT
in the Apache area.

Our goal is to take OODT from the early stage of Apache Incubation
into a thriving Apache top-level project, and leverage it in the
existing manner at NASA, the NIH, at DOE, and in academia and
industry. Since OODT is a grid framework, it depends on many external
services and projects, no one of which controls OODT's code-base.

We feel that the time is ripe to bring OODT into Apache and to grow
the community of developers who maintain OODT. We feel that Incubation
will bring a slew of industry-based developers (and even those in
academia, and government) who have no prior experience with OODT, but
who could use OODT at their jobs and who are attracted to the brand
name and community that Apache brings. We want to attract such
developers to become part of the core OODT development team, and
project management aspect.

Inexperience with Open Source
All the initial developers have worked on open source before and at
least one (Mattmann) is a committer and PMC members in the Apache
Lucene ecosystem. Sean Kelly is a well-respected Plone committer and
has made several open source contributions over the years to FreeBSD
and other software. Foster, McCleese and Woollard have all contributed
to Apache projects by way of email, mailing lists, issue reporting and

Homogenous Developers
The initial developers come from a variety of backgrounds and with a
variety of needs for the proposed framework.

Reliance on Salaried Developers
All of the proposed initial developers are paid to work on this or
related projects, but the proposed project is not the primary task for

Relationships with Other Apache Products
OODT is related to at least the following Apache projects. None of the
projects is a direct competitor for OODT, but there are many cases of
potential overlap in functionality.

Apache Lucene - The family of Lucene products that implement search
services are naturally of use in a grid environment such as OODT. In
fact, OODT has integrated with many of these projects (Tika, SOLR and
Lucene-java) already. We see OODT as a grid environment that makes use
of search services.

Apache UIMA - The UIMA project provides a framework and pluggable
tools for analyzing text content and extracting information. Example
tools include language identification, sentence boundary detection and
"entity extraction" - finding references to people, places and
organizations. OODT is related to UIMA in the sense that it is a
framework to provide pluggable connections to content and information,
but the focus of OODT is on scientific data sets, and additional on
repositories and catalogs/registries that catalog information about
those datasets and that store the physical bits. Further, OODT is a
grid technology, meant to enable the creation of virtual
organizations, which is not UIMA's focus.Finally, OODT contains both
an information integration component, as well as a science data
processing component, which UIMA does not.

OODT is also related to Apache projects involving databases, such as
the Apache DB project, however scientific data is not limited to
traditional DBMS'es and involves both structured and un-structured
information. However, there is likely much leveraging that can occur
as OODT can be updated to remove Hibernate-like dependencies, and
replace them with Derby-like dependencies.

A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
All of us are familiar with Apache and have a respect for its brand
and community. Though all of the proposed committers besides Mattmann
have not participated in Apache projects as committers, and PMC
members, many of them (McCleese, Foster, Woollard, Kelly) have
contributed via issue comments, patches, and tests for Apache projects
(including Maven, Tika, SOLR, and Lucene). Furthermore, some of the
proposed committers (Kelly) are major contributors in other open
source communities (e.g., Plone and Python). We feel that the Apache
Software Foundation is a natural home for a project like this. OODT
brings a credible, major grid-based software into the Apache
community, and Apache brings a huge community of eager and world-class
developers to help grow OODT's strengths and applicability across
projects and domains.

There is a wealth of documentation available on OODT. The best
starting point is the existing OODT JPL website (which will be ported
to be sync'ed or just a pointer to the Apache

OODT website at JPL
Mattmann's OODT paper that appeared at the 28th International
Conference on Software Engineering in Shanghai, China.
Crichton's seminal OODT paper appearing at the CODATA conference at
the U.S. National Academies of Science in 2000.
Google Scholar search on OODT.
Standards and conventions related to OODT include the Dublin Core
metadata set, ISO/IEC 11179, the HTTP 1.1 RFC, Grid-based standards
including the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA), and standards
for science data formats including Heirarchical Data Format (HDF),
netCDF and OPeNDAP.

Initial Source
OODT will start with seed code donated by NASA JPL via Mattmann and
the rest of the initial committers.

Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
All seed code and other contributions will be handled through the
normal Apache contribution process. Mattmann has been authorized by
NASA JPL to lead the contribution of OODT into the Incubator via his
existing Apache CLA.

We will also contact other related efforts for possible cooperation
and contributions.

External Dependencies
OODT depends on a number of external connector libraries with various
licensing conditions. An initial list of such dependencies (taken from
one of the OODT sub-components, the CAS file manager) is shown below.

Library | License
commons-codec | AL v2
commons-dbcp | AL v2
commons-httpclient | AL v2
commons-io | AL v2
commons-pool | AL v2
cas-metadata |  (to be AL v2)
edm-commons | (to be AL v2)
hsqldb | LGPL v2.1
jug-asl | AL v2
lucene-core | AL v2
xmlrpc | AL v2

There are also some LGPL components that would be useful. Whether and
how such dependencies could be handled will be discussed during
incubation. No such dependencies will be added to the project before
the legal implications have been cleared. Existing LGPL dependencies,
such as hsqldb above for the CAS file manager, will be removed and a
suitable ASL friendly alternative will be investigated and used to
replace the LGPL dependencies.

OODT itself will not use cryptography, but it is possible that some of
the external product or profile server or CAS libraries will include
cryptographic code to handle features present in various science data
formats. The current OODT code base relies on Apache Tika which
contains an export control statement regarding cryptographic code per
Apache policy. We will follow a similar approach with OODT. Mattmann
led this effort in Apache Nutch and saw Jukka Zitting lead this effort
in Apache Tika, so he is familiar with this process.

Required Resources
Mailing lists

Subversion Directory

Issue Tracking

Other Resources

OODT Wiki http://cwiki.apache.org/OODT

Initial Committers

Name | Email | Affiliation | CLA
Chris A. Mattmann | mattmann at apache dot org | NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory | yes
Daniel J. Crichton | crichton at jpl dot nasa dot gov | NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory | no
Paul Ramirez | pramirez at jpl dot nasa dot gov | NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory | no
Sean Kelly | kelly at jpl dot nasa dot gov | NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory | yes
Sean Hardman | shardman at jpl dot nasa dot gov | NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory | no
Andrew F. Hart | ahart at jpl dot nasa dot gov | NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory | no
Joshua Garcia | joshua at jpl dot nasa dot gov | NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory | no
David Woollard | woollard at jpl dot nasa dot gov | NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory | yes
Brian Foster | bfoster at jpl dot nasa dot gov | NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory | no
Sean McCleese | smcclees at jpl dot nasa dot gov | NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory | no


Justin Erenkrantz (jerenkrantz at apache dot org)

Nominated Mentors
Justin Erenkrantz (jerenkrantz at apache dot org)
Ross Gardler (rgardler at apache dot org)
Jean-Frederic Clere (jfclere at apache dot org)
Ian Holsman (ianh at apache dot org)

Sponsoring Entity
Apache Incubator

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