The Apache UIMA development community is pleased to announce the release
of version 2.3.0 of UIMA (Unstructured Information Management
Architecture).  Apache UIMA is a framework supporting combining and
reusing components that annotate unstructured information content such
as text, audio, and video.

This release consists of 4 packages:

 - UIMA Java SDK - the base framework, with development tools and examples
 - UIMA-AS (Asynchronous Scalout capability)
 - UIMACPP (c++ support framework, for components written in c++ and
other languages)
 - UIMA Addons - a growing set of annotators and other tools.

This release is generally backwards compatable with previous releases,
except that Java 5 is now the minimum Java level required.

The add-ons package contains many new components and annotators, including:

  - Bean Scripting Framework supporting annotators written in popular
scripting languages
  - Lucas - an interface to using UIMA with Apache Lucene
  - TikaAnnotator - an annotator using the Apache Tika project text

The UIMA-AS (Asynchronous Scaleout) framework is extensively enhanced
with much more support for error/failure recovery, driven by feedback
from actual use in several large scale deployments (1000's of nodes).
The base framework now supports Java 5 generics, and is enhanced to make
it even more light-weight and efficient; for example, it now supports a
new network serialization format for communicating with remote
annotators using a "delta-CAS" - limiting the response sent to just
those items which have changed.

Full information and summaries of the changes are contained in the
release notes, which you can find on our downloads page - scroll down to
the 2.3.0 release section, and click on the package of interest in the
release notes column.

Apache UIMA welcomes your help.  Any contribution (code, testing,
documentation, bug reporting/fixing) is always appreciated.  For more
information on how to get involved, please visit the website at:

Thank you for your interest in Apache UIMA.

-The Apache UIMA development community

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