
I agree that the site update process is cumbersome, but it also gives
podling folks an incentive to log on to p.a.o and learn to use that
system to their advantage. Moving to svnpubsub would take that away.

That said, I think that most committers never have to go to p.a.o in
any case so perhaps the point is moot.


On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 7:57 AM, Justin Erenkrantz <jus...@erenkrantz.com> wrote:
> Hi general@,
> I'd like to suggest switching incubator.apache.org over to svnpubsub.
> (We can do so by filing a JIRA like INFRA-2349:
> http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-2349)
> This would mean that any commits made to the site-publish tree would
> automatically be deployed to the site.  No more delays, no more SSH
> and SVN up fun.  Yay.  This does mean you trade off the fact that you
> can't delay anything - but, in general, I think that's fine for the
> incubator site and would substantially lower the barrier of entry to
> folks working on the Incubator site.  Often times, people's first
> experience with the ASF is through the podlings, so I think it would
> be nice if we could make it a bit easier to publish the incubator.a.o
> site.
> What do folks think?  -- justin
> P.S. On IRC, Paul mentions there may be some complications with
> respect to podling sites as sub-directories, but he promises that it
> is "feasible" to address.  *grin*
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