On 16 Feb 2010, at 10:05, Nick Kew wrote:

On 15 Feb 2010, at 21:03, Christopher Brind wrote:

I dare say I would probably be interested in most anything you can come up with :) but I suspect the project would need to be something more specific
as a starter for the incubator?

+1 to that.

What sets android apart from its peers to make it more deserving of
apache's attention?  It's not even the most open of mobile platforms!

Something I could be interested in is a lab for cross-platform
mobile development.  But I don't have a proposal that would
work as an apache project.

I completely agree - what I think would be useful would be a W3C Widgets[1] & W3C DAP[2] implementation for Android to enable cross- platform standards-based mobile app development (as suggested by Peter- Paul Koch [3]). Apache Wookie(Incubating)[4] already implements the Widgets spec so there is code there to build on.

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/widgets/
[2] http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/
[3] http://quirksmode.org/presentations/sf09/google.pdf
[4] http://incubator.apache.org/wookie/

Nick Kew

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