Like I said - I'm seeing this first release as a learning experience (grin,

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Bertrand Delacretaz <
> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Richard Hirsch <>
> wrote:
> > ...The candidate can be found at:
> >  
> ><>
> Unfortunately I'm -1 on the release, I have a few issues including a
> GPL dependency.
> 1) jwebunit dependency is GPL
> The server module depends on
> net.sourceforge.jwebunit:jwebunit-htmlunit-plugin:jar:1.4.1:test
> which according to is GPL.

I didn't check any maven dependencies, because they weren't part of SVN.

> 2) The sha1 digest does not match, did I do something wrong?
> $ openssl sha1 apache-esme-incubating-1.0-src.tar.gz
> SHA1(apache-esme-incubating-1.0-src.tar.gz)=
> a9ec8d95266d5944d493392a06eb1651c03222f1
> $ cat apache-esme-incubating-1.0-src.tar.gz.sha
> apache-esme-incubating-1.0-src.tar.gz: A53494C8 55474CE3 5AC20516 C2448CB6
>                                       64B3B76C 747BA64A FFC9A836 EDAB8D86
>                                       4E0735CC AA29ACA9 07767C58 D1C0FEDA
>                                       CA7E73A3 ADA3944D 464314B2 4BE0E476
> I'm assuming I did something wrong. It was my first attempt at signing.
I'll take another shot at it.

> 3) mvn dependency:analyze of the server module shows lots of unused
> declared dependencies, those should be cleaned up, especially
> openDMK:jdmkrt:jar which according to is
> either GPL or CDDL license. Not sure which parts of OpenDMK are which
> license, but as it's unused better remove it.

OK - I'll take a look at it.

> 4) When trying to build esme-java-client with "mvn clean install" I
> get "Embedded error: Error while executing the external compiler" if
> JAVA_HOME is not set.

How can you deal with this via maven? Is this an ESME problem or a maven

> 5) apache-esme-incubating-1.0-src.tar.gz contains .svn folders, it
> should not have that. You could have created the release using svn
> export of
> to avoid that.

OK. Didn't know that.

> 6) I couldn't find license information for the
> com.twitter:stats:jar:1.3:compile dependency, was that checked to be
> ok?

Don't know - I'll have to check. This was from our JMX interface .

> Sorry that I didn't have time to look at that during the ESME podling vote.
> Apart from the GPL dependency the release preparation looks mostly ok,
> rat reports are good, license/notice are provided, etc.
> -Bertrand

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