David, +1 for this project. We've been doing something similar in WSO2
(called Ozone) and are happy to jump to this. Have you looked at OpenNebula
(http://opennebula.org/) - we were heading towards using that (and adding
some Web service APIs etc.). Looks like they decided to form a business a
few days ago: http://opennebula.ulitzer.com/node/1382814.

If OpenNebula an Deltacloud have similar missions maybe we can find a way to
get them here too - it'll be great for the world to have one superb IaaS
cloud abstraction API, under Apache license of course.

I plan to join the list and lurk .. looks like you have enough mentors


On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 1:11 AM, David Lutterkort <lut...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to propose the Deltacloud API[1] for addition to the Apache
> incubator.
> I have added the initial proposal to the Wiki[2]; it is also included
> below for convenience.
> There are a few additional people that have expressed interest in
> becoming initial committers; I am waiting for their express consent to
> list them as committers, and will add them to the Wiki as I get that.
> We are looking forward to any and all feedback and/or questions on the
> proposal. We already have two mentors, but would very much welcome
> additional volunteers to help steer Deltacloud through the incubation
> process.
> David
> [1] http://deltacloud.org/
> [2] http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/DeltacloudProposal
> Deltacloud, a cross-cloud web service API
> =========================================
> Abstract
> --------
> Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service
> providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition,
> it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular
> clouds.
> Proposal
> --------
>  * Define a REST-based API for managing and manipulating cloud resources
>    in a manner that isolates the API client as much as possible from the
>    particulars of specific cloud API's
>  * Provide an open API definition for cloud providers for their IaaS
>    clouds and a basis on which PaaS providers can layer their offering
>  * Provide image management and directory capabilities as part of the API
>  * The current implementation allows instance lifecycle management
>    (create, start, stop, destroy, reboot), and querying of related
>    resources like available images, instance sizes, and allowed instance
>    actions for a number of public and private clouds
>  * Currently supported are Amazon EC2, Eucalyptus, Rackspace, RimuHosting,
>    GoGrid, OpenNebula, and RHEV-M
>  * Future enhancements should broaden the scope of the API to include
>    networking, firewalling, authentication, accounting, and image
>    management
> Background
> ----------
> An important issue for cloud users is that of avoiding lock-in to a
> specific cloud. By providing a cross-cloud API for
> infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) clouds, Deltacloud addresses this
> concern and strives to provide the best possible API for writing
> cloud-management applications that can target multiple clouds.
> There are also no efforts currently to define a truly open-source cloud
> API, one for which there is a proper upstream, independent of any specific
> cloud provider. Deltacloud API strives to create a community around
> building an open-source cloud API in a manner that fully allows for
> tried-and-true open source mechanisms such as user-driven innovation.
> By providing a web-service API, Deltacloud is language agnostic, and one of
> its subordinated goals is to provide a practical vocabulary for talking
> about IaaS cloud resources and operations on them.
> Rationale
> ---------
> IaaS clouds provide numerous advantages to their users, for example,
> making provisioning new servers more agile. If users directly use the
> 'native' cloud API's, they risk locking themselves in to the API of a
> specific cloud provider.
> There is therefore a strong need for an API that can be used across a wide
> range of public and private clouds, and that can serve as the basis for
> developing cloud management applications; in contrast to several existing
> language-specific efforts in this direction, Deltacloud is conceived as a
> web service.
> This will allow the project to attract a broad community of users of the
> API and cloud providers interested in offering a truly open-source API,
> with a proper upstream community.
> We strongly believe that the best way to drive such an API effort is by
> developing the API and open-source implementations of the API side-by-side.
> Initial Goals
> -------------
> Deltacloud is an existing open source project; initially started by Red
> Hat, it has attracted a number of outside contributors. We look at moving
> this project to the ASF as the next step to broaden the community, and put
> the project on solid footing since the ASF governance model is well suited
> for the Deltacloud project goals. The ASF is a great location for
> Deltacloud to build a community and will benefit from ASL licensing.
> Current Status
> --------------
> Deltacloud API is licensed under the LGPL:
>  * Deltacloud Website (http://deltacloud.org) There are two projects
> hosted there: the API under consideration here and the Aggregator (not part
> of this proposal, though also open source)
>  * Deltacloud git repository (
> http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=deltacloud/core.git;a=summary)
>  * Deltacloud mailing lists
>    - users (https://fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/deltacloud-users)
>    - developers (
> https://fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/deltacloud-devel)
> Transition to Apache
> --------------------
> All current contributors have consented to relicensing the Deltacloud API
> code under the Apache Software License 2.0; the code will be relicensed to
> ASL 2.0 on acceptance into the Incubator.
> Meritocracy
> -----------
> Deltacloud API accepts patches from anybody, based solely on technical
> merit, and will give commit rights to contributors with a proven technical
> track record. Communication is done through an IRC channel on freenode and
> the two mailing lists above. The mailing lists will be migrated to the ASF
> project list on acceptance into the Incubator.
> Community
> ---------
> Because it was started by Red Hat, the majority of the initial contribution
> is from Red Hat employees, though we have received and accepted a number of
> patches from outside sources, particularly, from a number of cloud
> providers. We expect that the project will greatly increase in contribution
> base, and this is one aspect the project will monitor in becoming ready for
> graduation.
> API Developers
> --------------
>  * Bob McWhirter (initial developer)
>  * David Lutterkort (current maintainer)
>  * Michal Fojtik
>  * Ivan Meredith
>  * Daniel Molina Aranda
> Alignment
> ---------
> Currently, there are no other Apache projects concerned with building a
> cross-cloud API as a web service.  However, we feel it will be a strong
> complement to the set of Apache projects, and provide any other Apache
> project an API for interacting with any cloud provider.
> Known Risks
> -----------
>  - Orphaned Products
>    Deltacloud API is actively used by other Red Hat projects. I have
>    received interest in Deltacloud API both from some cloud providers and
>    other organizations in joining the project. We feel that it is
>    importatant to put formal governance in place both for the project and
>    the contributors as the project expands. We feel the ASF is the best
>    location for this.
>  - Inexperience with Open Source
>    I have been involved with Open Source Software for over a decade; I
>    have actively contributed to puppet (http://www.puppetlabs.com/), where
>    I was one of the earliest contributors, libvirt (http://libvirt.org/),
>    virt-manager (http://virt-manager.et.redhat.com/), and a number of
>    other projects. I started and maintain two projects, Augeas
>    (http://augeas.net/) and netcf (https://fedorahosted.org/netcf/)
>    related to systems management.
>   - Homogenous Developers
>   While much of the initial code base has been written by Red Hat, several
>   of the backend drivers and some important aspects of the API design have
>   been heavily influenced by outside contributors.
>   - Reliance on Salaried Developers
>   Currently the project has mostly salaried developers. Expanding the
>   diversity of the project's developers is one of the areas we will
>   actively work on in the Incubator, and will be a crucial factor in
>   making Deltacloud a successful project.
>   - Relationships with Other Apache Products
>   Currently there are not really any stong relationships with other Apache
>   projects. There is a certain amount of overlap with libcloud
>   (http://incubator.apache.org/libcloud/), though the projects differ in
>   scope and goals. At its most basic, libcloud is a Python in-process API,
>   whereas Deltacloud is a web service written in Ruby.
>   - An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
>   We seek to build a lasting community around Deltacloud API; the most
>   important reason for proposing this project for the incubator is to
>   clarify project governance to other parties, to allow them more easily
>   to join and contribute to the project, and for the project to be managed
>   and governed independently.
> Documentation
> -------------
>  * API definition (http://deltacloud.org/api.html)
>  * Supported drivers (http://deltacloud.org/drivers.html)
>  * Ruby Client (http://deltacloud.org/client-ruby.html)
>  * Writing new drivers (http://deltacloud.org/framework.html)
> Documentation is maintained in a separate, public git repository
> (
> http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=deltacloud/docs.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/next
> )
> Initial Source
> --------------
> All sources can be found in the git repositories mentioned above.
> External Dependencies
> ---------------------
> Deltacloud is written in Ruby; there are a number of Ruby libraries that
> the code depends on, most importantly:
>  * Ruby
>  * Sinatra (http://www.sinatrarb.com/)
>  * HAML (http://haml-lang.com/)
>  * thin (http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/)
> A complete list of dependencies can be found in the deltacloud-core.gemspec
> in the core repository. All dependencies are licensed under either the Ruby
> License or the MIT License.
> Cryptography
> ------------
> Uses standard Ruby APIs for SSL/HTTPS
> Required Resources
> ------------------
>  * Mailing lists
>    * deltacloud-devel
>    * deltacloud-commits
>    * deltacloud-private
>  * Subversion
>    * https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/deltacloud
>  * Issue Tracking
>    * Bugzilla (deltacloud)
> Initial Committers
> ------------------
>  * David Lutterkort <lut...@redhat.com>
>  * Michal Fojtik <mfoj...@redhat.com>
>  * Marios Andreou <mandr...@redhat.com>
>  * Andrew N Cadel <cade...@jpmorgan.com>
> Sponsors
> --------
>  Champion
>    Carl Trieloff   <cctriel...@redhat.com>
>  Nominated Mentors
>    Carl Trieloff   <cctriel...@redhat.com>
>    Craig L Russell <craig.russ...@sun.com>
>  Sponsoring Entity
>    Incubator PMC
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org

Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Founder, Director & Chief Scientist; Lanka Software Foundation;
Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.; http://www.wso2.com/
Member; Apache Software Foundation; http://www.apache.org/
Director; Sahana Software Foundation; http://www.sahanafoundation.org/
Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa; http://www.cse.mrt.ac.lk/

Blog: http://sanjiva.weerawarana.org/

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