After initial discussion [1], please vote on the acceptance of Nuvem
Project for incubation at the Apache Incubator. The full proposal is
available at the end of this message and on the wiki at

We ask the Incubator PMC to sponsor the project with Luciano Resende
as the Champion and Jean-Frederic Clere, Paul Fremantle, Ant Elder and
Donald Woods volunteering to be mentors.

Please cast your votes:

[ ] +1, bring Nuvem into Incubator
[ ] +0, I don't care either way
[ ] -1, do not bring Nuvem into Incubator, because...

The vote is open for the next 72 hours and only votes from the
Incubator PMC are binding.


Apache Nuvem, a cross-cloud application programming interface


Nuvem will define an open application programming interface for common
cloud application services, allowing applications to be easily ported
across the most popular cloud platforms.


 * Define an open API that abstracts common cloud platform services to
help decouple the application logic from the particulars of a specific
proprietary cloud.
 * Implement the Nuvem API for popular clouds such as Google
AppEngine, Amazon EC2 and Microsoft Azure.
 * Initially focus on User Authentication and Authorization,
Distributed Cache, Data Store, Queuing; then extend to other services
such as Chat, Logging, and Debugging.


An important issue for application developers is to avoid lock-in to a
specific cloud application platform. By providing a cross-cloud
application programming interface that abstracts common cloud platform
services, Nuvem addresses this concern and strives to help make
applications easily portable across multiple clouds.

In mixed cloud deployments, applications need to access platform
services across cloud boundaries. Nuvem will make this possible by
providing a remote API for these cloud application platform services.


There are currently no efforts to define a truly open-source API to
abstract common cloud platform services. Nuvem strives to create a
community around building an open-source cloud application programming
interface in a manner that fully allows for tried-and-true open source
mechanisms such as user-driven innovation.

Initial Goals

A Nuvem prototype is currently being developed in an Apache Tuscany
sandbox, providing initial support for some cloud platform services
from Google AppEngine and Amazon EC2. We look at moving this prototype
to the Apache Incubator as the next step to broaden the community,
expand the API to support more services and cloud platforms.

Current Status

The initial code has been developed under the Apache Software License
2.0 by current Apache committers.


We recognize the importance of running the project as a meritocracy.
We are eager to engage other members of the community and operate to
the standard of meritocracy that Apache emphasizes; we believe this is
the most effective method of growing our community and enabling
widespread adoption.


The initial committer list consists of a couple of independent
developers. We expect that the project will greatly increase in
contribution base, and this is one aspect the project will monitor in
becoming ready for graduation.


Currently, there are no other Apache projects concerned with building
a cross-cloud API for application platform services. We feel that it
would be a good complement to the set of Apache projects and could
provide them with an API for interacting with cloud application

Nuvem complements Apache libCloud and Deltacloud projects (which both
cover provisioning and elasticity in the cloud), providing portability
of applications and application services   across heterogeneous cloud

Orphaned Products

The Nuvem developers have a long-term interest in use and maintenance
of the code and there is also hope that different cloud providers will
be interested in providing support for the Nuvem API and will join the
project. We feel that it is important to put formal governance in
place both for the project and the contributors as the project
expands. We feel the ASF is the best location for this.

Inexperience with Open Source

Luciano Resende have been involved with Open Source Software for
several years; he has actively contributed to Apache Tuscany, Apache
PhotArk and contributed to and/or mentored other Apache podlings. He
is also part of the Apache Community Development PMC and
Admin/co-Admin for the Google Summer of Code mentoring project.
Raymond Fend, is also a long time committer and PMC member of Apache
Tuscany and/or other Apache projects.

Reliance on Salaried Developers

The project is being implemented by developers in their independent
personal time and is not founded by a specific corporation.

Relationships with Other Apache Products

Apache Tuscany is currently used to wire different implementations of
application platform services to applications and expose these
services remotely.

For clouds that does not provide a specific application service on
their platform, we would work with Apache sibling projects such as
Hadoop, CouchDB and Cassandra for data store, or ActiveMQ and Qpid for
queueing for example, to close the gap.

An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand

We seek to build a lasting community around the Nuvem API. The most
important reason for proposing this project for incubation is to gain
visibility, and to allow contributors to more easily join and
contribute to the project.


There isn't much of a documentation available.

Initial Source

The Apache Nuvem prototype has been developed in the Apache SVN
repository and is available at:

External Dependencies

Nuvem is written in Java and is currently using Apache Tuscany.



Required Resources

 * Mailing lists
  * nuvem-dev
  * nuvem-commits
  * nuvem-private
 * Subversion

 * Issue Tracking
  * JIRA (nuvem)

Initial Committers

Luciano Resende (lresende AT apache DOT org)

Raymond Feng (rfeng AT apache DOT org)

Senaka Fernando (senaka AT apache DOT org)

Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar  (shankar AT apache DOT org)

Sagara Gunathunga (sagara AT apache DOT org)

Jean-Sebastien Delfino (jsdelfino AT apache DOT org)

Sonal Goyal (sgoyal AT apache DOT org)

Donald Woods (dwoods AT apache DOT org)

Chintana Wilamuna (chintana AT apache DOT org)


Luciano Resende (lresende AT apache DOT org)

Nominated Mentors

Jean-Frederic Clere (jfclere AT apache DOT org)

Paul Fremantle (pzf AT apache DOT org)

Ant Elder (antelder AT apache DOT org)

Donald Woods (dwoods AT apache DOT org)

Sponsoring Entity

Incubator PMC

Luciano Resende

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