Hi Otis,

Thanks for your feedback. I think it's effectively a good question , what is realy SaaS ? I think, but it's just my opinion, that's just a software distribution business model for editors. So I think you never found SaaS specific functionality in any framework.

For me, the real question is what do you need to develop SaaS application ? and that's the goals of jspirit to give some answers.

For me needed functionalitiy are clearly Multi-tenancy implementation with maximum flexibility, distributed model and clusterisable architecture to support the need of high-avaiilibility and scalability of SaaS applications. Saas need fast response to evolution need, it's the goal of jspirit programming model and architecture. In my opinion, we have to focus on functionality to made SaaS in this project and not on SaaS-functionality.

We try in this project to integrate full open-source application stack to help anyone who wants make SaaS so there is generic functionality., i think it's normal. The goal is to make a coherent integration framework with to let developer focus on business code.

So I think we should name jSpirit "integration framework for creating web multi-tenant application".

I will make a translate of the slides in the next day, perhaps it will be more clear for all.


Le 16/07/2010 18:57, Otis Gospodnetic a écrit :
Hello Grégoire
  Thanks for the exhaustive feature list and
http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/JSpiritProposal .  I'm trying to identify
Saas-specific features from that list.  Most of them sound relatively generic,
not SaaS-specific.  Is my interpretation correct?  The only ones that jump at me
as being useful in SaaS context are the Multi-tenant ones (e.g. Multi-tenant
interceptor for determining tenant  context based on full qualified domain
name), some of the REST and authorization/authentication ones.  This is not a
criticism.  I'm just trying to understand what's SaaS-specific and what is more
general here.

Also, maybe it's just me, but I can't tell what jSpirit really *is* today from
the Proposal on http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/JSpiritProposal .  I see a
bunch of technologies mentioned, but if I were looking at jSpirit to figure out
if this does something that I need, I couldn't tell.  Again, maybe it's just me.

Oh, I see some fresh PDFs on SF.  I skimmed them, but my French is
unfortunately, you know .... just not there. :(


----- Original Message ----
From: Grégoire Rolland<grolland.jspi...@gmail.com>
To: general@incubator.apache.org
Sent: Wed, July 14, 2010 4:37:37 AM
Subject: Re: New project proposal

Hi Otis and all others,

I will list here current and planned  functionality of jSpirit.

*  Architecture
     -  Multi-tiered Architecture out-of-the-box : Implementation of Integration
Layer,  Business Layer, Client Layer
     - Java 5 annotation and  auto-injection based lookup of services
     - Classpath scanning  for auto-discovering components
     - Modular and plugable  architecture : automatic activation of modules in
the classpath, ready for  seamless integration
     - Implementation of Long-Conversation  pattern, with JTA 2PC support (with
Geronimo Transaction Manager), and implicit  demarcation (explicit demarcation
is always possible)
     - [in  progress] AOP interceptor on top of each layer

* Integration  Layer
     -  Implementation of abstract integration services and abstract persister
based on  JPA technology
     - Maven plugins for code generation of  integration layer from xml
description of component business model : generate  persistent class, access
services, queries, constraints, JPA annotation, lucene  indexation of business
     - bean validation  integration
     - Full Multi-tenancy integration on EntityManager  and Caches
     - Multi-tenant Postgresql support
     -  [Planned] Maven Plugin for code generation supporting Apache Cassandra
without  interface modification

* Business  Layer
     -  Implementation of abstract business services and infrastructure
      - Annotation discovering and injection of dependents services
     -  Multi-tenant replacement of services at runtime
     - Simple  Asynchronous and distributed business services with Apache
ActiveMQ : this is  annotation driven

* Client  Layer
     - JSF 2.0  predefined integration
     - Abstract Managed Bean for simple  developpement of list and forms
     - Integration of restful url  for JSF 2
     - Multi-tenant interceptor for determining tenant  context based on full
qualified domain name
     - [Planned] Make  others interceptor based on other methods

*  Scheduling
     -  Distributed and load adaptative voting peer-to-peer scheduler
     -  voting task execution with Condorcet Method
     - [Planned] support  others algorithms for scheduling

*  Security
     -  Simple security integration : form login, http basic security
     -  Multi-tenant support for authentications and authorizations
     -  peer-to-peer sessions id replications for support max session per user
in a  cluster
     - Regexp filters on urls
     - [Planned]  Services Access Authorization
     - JSF function and bean to manage  security on pages

*  i18n
     - Full  i18n support
     - Multi-tenacy i18n : overriding label per  tenant
     - JSF function for accessing labels and locale
      - JSF bean for controlling user locale on web page

*Data  Import/Export
     -  XML data importer/exporter customizable by tenant with scripting
     - ready for "open-SaaS" to guarantee application users  data integration
and recuperation

* Web  Services
     -  Simple export of business services to Soap Web Services with Apache
     - [in progress] REstfull web services with Apache Abdera  integration (and
     - Atom 1.0 support with Apache Abdera  (only GET method now)

*  Search
    - Indexation of  data model
    - Simple Query interface for searching in the data  model
    - Multi-tenant support of the Lucene Indexes

*  JCR
     -  Multi-tenant integration of Apache JackRabbit : workspaces based
      - Implementation of injectable service for JackRabbit access
      - JTA transaction participation

*  Mail
    - Injectable mail  services out-of-box

*  Reporting
     -  Report module on top of the business layer
     - based on Castor  XML and Apache FOP
     - Pluggable Reporting Provider  architecture
     - Multi-tenant report replacement at  runtime

* Tools
      - Set of Maven archetype mapped on architecture to create one project by
     - [planned] eclipse plugins for MDA enablement, XML  schema recognition,

* Planned  functionnality
      - Integration of Business Rules Engine with multi-tenancy
     -  Integration of BPM/Workflow Engine with multi-tenancy
     - Simple  Cloud deployement

et voilà ...

I hope it could interest you  !



On 13/07/2010 23:31, Otis  Gospodnetic wrote:

Could you please point  us/me to some information about jSpirit
that is  SaaS-specific?
Understanding that may help people figure out what  jSpirit brings and does.
For example, if I use jSpirit, which  SaaS-specific functionality does a
developer not have to develop?   What functionality comes out of the box?
Sematext :: http://sematext.com/ :: Solr - Lucene - Nutch
Lucene  ecosystem search :: http://search-lucene.com/

----- Original  Message ----

From: Grégoire Rolland<grolland.jspi...@gmail.com>
  To: general@incubator.apache.org
  Sent: Tue, July 13, 2010 4:11:52 AM
Subject: New project  proposal


I'm the  project leader of an open-source project called  jSpirit.

The goal of the project is to create an open-source platform  to  develop
efficiently enterprise class lightweight J2EE  application for SaaS with
Multi-tenant support. The code is  available here
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/jspirit/). The platform  focuses on the
technical aspect of SaaS and  Multi-tenant.

I would my project to pretend   becoming an Apache Incubator project, and I
help to do this. I  think this  kind of platform could interest a large
community.  The goals are to provide  open-source application stack (focuses
apache project), tools to develop  efficiently, an  architectural model for
enterprise class application, methods   for project management, and an
integration framework for "rescuing"  application  developper from J2EE and
multi-tenant  complexity.

The project is already  used by a  french company as a foundation of her
(Husson Ingenierie, http://husson-info.fr), it's  the  base of the community
I want to develop my  professionnal activity around  this project, so it's
perennial  project, I think.

Is there anyone  intersted by  this project ?

Best Regards,

  -- Grégoire  Rolland
Projet *jSpirit*
Tel : (+33)  (0) 6 82 77 59 94

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