
Thank you for all your help on Wookie to date. The kinds of contributions you have made (helping ensure that licence headers etc. are clear) are exactly the kind of contributions that are needed.

You leave a legacy that will ensure that our release (when it comes about) will be more likely to pass an incubator vote.

For me that kind of activity is exactly what I mean by an "active mentor". However, I also agree that sticking around just to provide an extra vote is not a good thing. If you haven't got the time to audit a release properly then the vote is meaningless and if you do have the time and inclination at the appropriate time you can still do so as an IPMC member.

For clarity on the general@ list Wookie is not one of those projects that I feel needs a different incubation process - it is a very small community with potential, but it cannot at this time, russle up sufficient committer votes and thus needs the IPMC oversight (it may get sufficient mentor votes as we are lucky enough to have a some interested mentors, but then again, it may not).


On 18/08/2010 01:02, Gav... wrote:
Hi All,

I am a passive Mentor, one that jumps in and says or does something when and
if required.

I've sorted a fair few license header issues with RAT here at Wookie, some
are still to be resolved btw,
but otherwise their hasn't been much for me to do.

I had a more hands on role where needed for Log4PHP until it graduated, and
with Libcloud I
again take a more passive approach as there really isn't much for me to do.
With LibCloud that
will change as I gear up towards moving them out in the next 3 months or so.

With all the talk currently about what a Mentor should or should not be on
the Incubator lists,
with lots of folks looking at 'active mentors' being the favoured option, I
would like to resign
as Mentor for the Wookie podling effective immediately.

Wookie has other capable Mentors who are more 'active' and so should not
affect the direction
of the Wookie project in any way.

You lose a Incubator PMC member vote of course, but that is not what it
means to be active and I
feel uncomfortable being a Mentor purely to be an extra vote.


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