Hi Tim...

   From this link - http://sourceforge.net/projects/nakedobjects -
project details section, it is stated that the code of this project is
licensed under (Apache License v2.0), and hence it is the
responsibility of the person who contributed any code to the project
to understand that his/her contribution is going to be under the same
license as long as it is committed as a patch to source code of
project they contributed to, just like what happens from contributors
contributing code to different Apache projects. I hope this can reply
your question ? :)

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Tim Williams <william...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Dan Haywood <dkhayw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  I'd like to formally propose a new project for the incubator, Apache Isis.
> ... snipped....
>> == Source and IP Submission Plan ==
>> As mentioned earlier, the NO framework is ASLv2 but copyright belongs to
>> Naked Objects Group Ltd. NOGL is happy to donate the relevant rights to
>> Apache, while Dan is also happy to donate the various sister projects that
>> he has written. Having a single legal entity - ASF - owning the relevant
>> rights to all this software would be very desirable.
> Your proposal caused me to poke around the NO site and the first forum
> topic I came upon[1] had someone providing a [simple] patch.  This has
> me curious about the code provenance.  Assuming this isn't the only
> one, could you say something about getting clearance from outside
> contributors?  At least, it seems to me that it could be slightly more
> complicated than the two parties you mention above.
> Thanks,
> --tim
> [1] - 
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/nakedobjects/forums/forum/544071/topic/3742184
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- Mohammad Nour
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