Some reading the thread on the ISIS podling's use of Skype may feel
that I am dismissing their opinions or disregarding an established

To do penance for any perceived slight, and to make it perfectly clear
that it is my intention to respect established policy, I am starting
this thread for the discussion of real-time communications. I want to
separate this discussion from ISIS, so as not to make the PPMC feel
like the rules are changing around them in real-time as participants
in this mailing list register their opinions.

This is not a vote. There is no specific proposal. Further, as a
dictatorship guided by a consensus (that's the legal structure of an
Apache PMC, after all), we should not be voting until we have some
reason to believe that we have a consensus to ratify. Unless, of
course, our dictator decided to, well, dictate.

The premise of this discussion is that running Apache projects are
*permitted* to engage in real-time communications, so long as they
take due care to avoid community problems of exclusion and closed
decision making. If anyone disagrees with that premise, they need to
open a thread somewhere else.

Instead, the question at hand is how to reflect that state of policy
here at the incubator.

We all want strong communities that are inclusive and open. We all
recognize that real-time communications pose risks to that.  I could
imagine several possible incubator policies, ranging from 'no
real-time at all until you graduate' to 'mentors are responsible for
giving good guidance and supervision.'

Please contribute your views to this thread, and perhaps we will
discover that we have an agreement that can be typed up and added to a

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