+1 (binding)
On Jan 27, 2011, at 1:05 AM, Troy Howard wrote:

> All,
> Since posting the Lucene.Net Incubator proposal announcement on Jan
> 12th, we now have three mentors signed up and would like to call a
> vote to accept Lucene.Net into the Apache Incubator.
> The proposal is included below and can also be found at:
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/Lucene.Net%20Proposal
> Please cast your votes:
> [ ] +1 Accept Lucene.Net for incubation
> [ ] +0 Don't care
> [ ] -1 Reject for the following reason:
> Thanks,
> Troy
> = Lucene.Net - A .NET port of Lucene =
> == Preface ==
> Lucene.Net is a sub-project which is being spun off from the Lucene
> TLP but is not yet ready for graduation. We propose to address certain
> needs of the project by transitioning to an Incubator Podling.
> == Abstract ==
> Lucene.Net will be a port of the Lucene search engine library, written
> in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users.
> == Proposal ==
> Lucene.Net has three aims. First, it will maintain the existing
> line-by-line port from Java to C#, fully automating and commoditizing
> the process such that the project can easily synchronize with the Java
> Lucene release schedule. Second, it will be a high-performance C#
> search engine library. Third, it will maximize its usability and power
> when used within the .NET runtime. To that end, it will present a
> highly idiomatic, carefully tailored API that takes advantage of many
> of the special features of the .NET runtime.
> == Background ==
> Lucene.Net, began as a independent project focused on creating a
> line-by-line, API for API port of Java Lucene to C#. It continued
> successfully in this way and eventually became a ASF Incubator project
> in April of 2006 and graduated as a sub-project of Lucene in October
> of 2009.
> The last year has been challenging for the project. The committers who
> originally lead the project have stopped maintaining it and
> development has stagnated since June of 2010. The user community has
> spoken out requesting a change in philosophy and direction for the
> project, but those requests have been unheeded. This has led to a
> number of forks outside of the ASF. We would like to bring those forks
> back in as branches and be responsive to the needs of community
> without the need for multiple non-ASF forks.
> The Lucene PMC wants to see the project continue to thrive and has
> indicated that a return to the Incubator is an appropriate step, with
> the end goal of building a new team of committers and maintaining a
> steady release cycle meeting the previously stated goals. Because
> Lucene is working to move away from being an "umbrella project", a
> long term goal of the Lucene.Net project is to graduate to an ASF TLP.
> == Rationale ==
> There is great need for a search engine library in the mode of Lucene
> within the .NET runtime. Individuals naturally wish to code in their
> language of choice. Organizations which do not have significant Java
> expertise may not want to support Java strictly for the sake of
> running a Lucene installation. Developers may want to take advantage
> of C#'s unique language features and the .NET runtime's unique
> execution and interoperability model. Lucene.Net will meet all these
> demands.
> Apache is a natural home for our project given the way it has always
> operated: user-driven innovation, lively and amiable mailing list
> discussions, strength through diversity, and so on. We feel
> comfortable here, and we believe that we will become exemplary Apache
> citizens.
> == Initial Goals (to be completed before Feb 2011) ==
> * Build a new list of committers
> * Make a 2.9.2 compatible release as quickly as possible (this
> already exists, it just needs to be packaged correctly)
> * Update website, documentation, etc.
> * Create a well documented repeatable and fully automated language
> porting process
> * Start a ".NET style API" branch, either by incorporating some or
> all existing fork projects or by starting a new branch to this end
> == Current Status ==
> === Meritocracy ===
> We understand meritocracy and will fully embrace this concept in our
> project management methodology. One of the proposed committers, DIGY,
> has been a committer on the current Lucene.Net project since November
> 2008. Prescott Nasser has been a contributor on the project,
> submitting patches, documentation, and website enhancements. Three of
> the other proposed initial committers, Troy Howard, Chris Currens and
> Sergey Mirvoda are both already actively involved in other open source
> projects, either as committers of code or in coordination roles. Troy,
> Chris, Sergey and Prescott are currently committers on a Lucene.Net
> fork known as Lucere, and as such are intimately familiar with the
> code base and share a vision for the future direction of the project.
> Scott Lombard and Michael Herndon are passionate about Lucene.Net as
> well and have already contributed significantly in terms of project
> organization and direction and discussions on the mailing list.
> All of the proposed committers are familiar with the challenges faced
> with starting and maintaining a project over time. We also understand
> that opportunity is essential to an effective meritocracy and so will
> remain transparent, open and actively engage the community to find new
> contributors, include and review their contributions, and bring them
> on as committers as appropriate.
> === Community ===
> There is already a well established, active and vibrant community
> surrounding the Lucene.Net project. This is primarily a users
> community, as the previous committers have not engaged the user
> community to find or leverage would-be contributors. There is a lot of
> talent available in the community to this end and many people have
> come forth offering their time as contributors.
> There are a number of well established and significant .NET open
> source projects which are widely used by the larger .NET community
> which depend on Lucene.Net. There are also countless commercial
> products which use, and are dependent on this project. The mailing
> lists are active with numerous community members both asking and
> answering technical questions. The status and activities of the
> project are watched closely by the larger .NET development community
> and regularly commented on in blogs and other discussion forums.
> Because of the size of the community and the fact that it's audience
> is largely developers, finding new committers over time should remain
> an easy task. The user base is also constantly growing, because
> Lucene.Net is one of the very few high quality products in this space
> (either commercial or open source). The ability to index and search
> content is an essential part of many web-based applications which are
> developed on the .NET framework, and Lucene.Net is widely used to
> support that scenario. This will only grow with time.
> ==== Community Projects and Commercial Products ====
> A brief list of open source projects depending on Lucene.Net (alphabetical):
> * iReaper - http://ireaper.codeplex.com/
> * Linq to Lucene - http://linqtolucene.codeplex.com/
> * Lucandra.NET - http://lucandranet.codeplex.com/
> * Mind``Touch - http://www DOT mindtouch DOT com/ (not sure why the
> wiki disallows this)
> * Orchard - http://orchard.codeplex.com/
> * RavenDB - http://ravendb.net/
> * Sub``Text - http://subtextproject.com/
> * Umbraco - http://umbraco.codeplex.com
> A brief list of known commercial products using Lucene.Net (alphabetical):
> * Autodesk - http://autodesk.com/
> * BBC UK Top Gear site - http://www.topgear.com/
> * Epro, Bluewire Technologies - http://www.epro.com/
> * Intelli``Enterprise Intranet Suite - http://www.adenin.com/
> * Koders.com, Black Duck Software - http://www.koders.com/
> * Oxford Analytica - http://www.oxan.com
> * Paradigm - http://discover-e-legal.com/aboutparadigm.html
> * Power``Search - http://datassimilate.com/PSindex.html
> There are of course many, many more.
> ==== Contributors ====
> In addition to wide adoption of the existing code base, there has been
> a strong interest from the community to contribute to the project.
> Beyond the initial committers list of seven (7) people, the following
> eight (8) people, who, despite being unable to fully commit to being
> committers, have come forth and offered to be contributors on the
> project (alphabetical):
> * Alex Thompson <pierogitus AT hotmail DOT com>
> * Ben Martz <benmartz AT gmail DOT com>
> * Frank Yu <frank DOT yu AT farpoint DOT com>
> * Glyn Darkin <glyn AT darkinsystems DOT com>
> * Peter Mateja <peter DOT mateja AT gmail DOT com>
> * Shashi Kant <skant AT sloan DOT mit DOT edu>
> * Simone Chiaretta <simone DOT chiaretta AT gmail DOT com>
> * Wyatt Barnett <wyatt DOT barnett AT gmail DOT com>
> * Karell Ste-Marie <stemarie AT brain-bank DOT com>
> This strong basis of support (fifteen initial contributors), if
> leveraged correctly, will represent a strong development team and
> create a spirit of productivity in the community which will encourage
> more contributors to appear and maintain the project.
> === Core Developers ===
> The core developers are a diverse group of developers many of which
> are already very experienced open source developers. Here are some
> quick descriptions of the initial committers, their backgrounds and
> qualifications (alphabetical):
> ==== Individuals ====
> * Chris Currens is a passionate developer who has worked on a number
> of open source projects.
> * DIGY is one of the current committers on Lucene.Net and brings
> extensive experience with this specifc codebase, as well as Java, C#
> and other langauge knowledge.
> * Michael Herndon is the rare mix of a designer, software developer,
> & tech lead thats has incorporated opensource software into both
> commercial, educational (uva's
> [[http://www.lib.virginia.edu/digital/resndev/blacklight.html|blacklight]])
> & government (saic's
> [[http://www.saic.com/products/software/pathfinder|pathfinder]]  C#
> version & updated logo/images which is still in use.) and has worked
> on a few opensource projects including mitre's
> [[http://projectpophealth.org|pophealth]].
> * Prescott Nasser is a product manager and lead software developer
> focusing on back office workflow and process automation at a major US
> financial institution.
> * Scott Lombard is an Automation Engineer who works in developing
> applications to allow users to manage and understand data.  He has
> worked implementing various open source projects in websites and
> applications to show plant floor data.
> * Sergey Mirvoda is a skilled developer with a strong interest in
> unit testing. He is a committer on the Lucere project.
> * Troy Howard is an experienced developer and software project
> manager in the commercial world. He has founded and been a committer
> on numerous open source projects over the years, including most
> recently, Lucere, a fork of Lucene.Net which he hopes to integrate
> back into the main project.
> ==== Groups  ====
> * Chris, Prescott, Sergey, and Troy are part of the core development
> team on the Lucere project. They are eager to bring their passion for
> Lucene.Net back to the main project, as well as integrate the Lucere
> source into a new API for Lucene.Net.
> * Chris and Troy work together at their day jobs as well as having
> worked together on two previous open source projects. They make a
> solid and productive team no matter what project they are working on.
> === Alignment ===
> Lucene.Net has been an ASF project since 2006 and has benefitted
> greatly from that affiliation. We appreciate the careful oversight and
> structure that Apache provides which ensures that the project stays on
> track and productive. We also appreciate being associated with the
> Lucene TLP and the sharing that provides.
> Beyond that, a very practical concern is that we would like to
> continue developing Lucene.Net with its current name. The project has
> built a hard earned reputation, and leaving the ASF would mean a
> forced rebranding and losing that reputation in the process. This
> would not be good for the health of the project.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned products ===
> The purpose of this proposal is to recover from the fact that
> Lucene.Net has been orphaned by its current list of committers. There
> are numerous reasons why that happened, such as; Project vision not
> aligned with community needs, Committers not taking advantage of
> contributors in the community, Committers not being upfront about
> their ability or interest in maintaining the project, Lack of effort
> to incorporate new committers from the community or engage
> non-committers in the development process, Abandonment by
> commercially-focused committers .
> Because we will be coming from the perspective of recovering from
> orphaning, we will be strongly focused on building a community, team
> of committers, and process to ensure our long term stability. We will
> learn from the past and not repeat the mistakes of our predecessors.
> Beyond that, there is significant commercial interest in this project
> which we believe can be converted to direct support in terms of
> on-the-clock work by developers working for companies that have
> software products which rely on Lucene.Net. The initial committers
> list includes two such developers and we hope to attract more of them.
> Because we understand that commercial support of this nature can be
> fickle, we will also ensure that the team remains diversified and seek
> out committers who are personally motivated.
> We also hope to incorporate the three existing forks of Lucene.Net
> back into this project. Doing so would bring a large body of reliable
> committers and contributors into the fold of this project (Lucere has
> more than 10 active committers, Lucille and Aimee.Net are one-man
> projects, both of which are very committed individuals).
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> The core developers all have significant experience with open source
> development. We recognize that we lack PMC experience and seek to
> address that deficiency by using the Incubator environment to educate
> ourselves and prepare for responsible self-governance.
> === Homogenous Developers ===
> Our community is geographically dispersed, with members in many areas
> of the USA, Canada, Russia, UK, and other countries. We all work for
> different organizations.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> We incorporate both salaried and non-salaried developers, from
> multiple organizations. We feel this gives us the best of both worlds
> and will increase our viability as a long-term project.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> Lucene.Net's relationship with the Lucene TLP has been relatively
> unidirectional until now. Lucene.Net has simply been porting the Java
> Lucene code to C# using automated methods. We hope to change that and
> feed-back more into the Java Lucene community both on the conceptual
> level and in terms of API changes that we make. We have an interest in
> possibly integrating the work of the Lucy project into Lucene.Net at
> some point as well. There is also a strong interest in creating .NET
> ports of ASF's Solr, Tika, Hadoop, and others. While that would fall
> outside of the scope of this project, there may be overlap in terms of
> the committers between those projects and sharing of code and
> methodologies pioneered in the Lucene.Net project.
> === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> Our desire to maintain Lucene.Net's affiliation with Apache has less
> to do with the brand and more to do with our conviction that
> developing the project 'The Apache Way' under Apache institutions is
> in Lucene.Net's best interests. However, we have to acknowledge that
> during its time as a Lucene subproject, Lucene.Net has not always
> fulfilled certain key requirements for an Apache project. In
> particular, it has failed to "release early, release often". Also,
> despite making significant progress in expanding its user community,
> it has failed to engage with the community and remain responsive to
> community needs.
> By rebooting the project with a new list of motivated and enthusiastic
> committers, we expect to avoid the trap that ensnared Lucene.Net's
> first incarnation: we will release early, release often, accumulate
> users, nurture contributors, and grow our community.
> == Documentation ==
> * Current Lucene.Net website: http://lucene.apache.org/lucene.net/
> * Current Lucene.Net Subversion repository:
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/lucene.net/
> * Current Lucene.Net mailing lists:
> http://lucene.apache.org/lucene.net/ (See info under "Mailing Lists"
> heading)
> == Initial Source ==
> We will continue working with the existing Lucene.Net codebase located
> at: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/lucene.net/
> We will also attempt to contact the coordinators of the following
> Lucene.Net forks and incorporate their work into the Lucene.Net
> project:
> * Lucere - http://lucere.codeplex.com/
> * Lucille - http://lucille.codeplex.com/
> * Aimee.Net - http://aimee.codeplex.com/
> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
> All source code referred to in this project (existing codebase and
> that of forks) is already licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. There
> should be no conflicts in this regard.
> == External Dependencies ==
> The only external dependencies represented in any of the proposed code
> are on unit testing and mocking frameworks, all of which have ASF
> compatible licenses.
> == Required Resources ==
> === Mailing lists ===
> * lucene-net-dev
> * lucene-net-commits
> * lucene-net-users
> Lucene.Net already has lucene-net-dev, lucene-net-users, and
> lucene-net-commits mailing lists under lucene.apache.org. While these
> could be deactivated and the memberships migrated to the appropriate
> lists under incubator.apache.org, leaving the lucene.apache.org
> archives as read-only, we would prefer to keep the mailing lists the
> same, rather than moving to incubator.apache.org. The purpose of that
> would be to remain engaged with our community, with minimal
> disruption.
> === Subversion Directory ===
> Lucene.Net already has a Subversion directory at
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/lucene.net. In keeping with
> naming conventions, it could be moved to
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/lucene.net.
> === Issue Tracking ===
> Lucene.Net already has a JIRA tracker: Lucene.Net (LUCENENET)
> === Other Resources ===
> Lucene.Net already has a MoinMoin wiki at
> http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-lucene/lucene.Net. It can be moved to
> standard Incubator wiki placement. There is currently no content of
> value in the wiki.
> == Initial Committers ==
> ||'''Name''' ||'''Email''' ||'''CLA''' ||
> ||Chris Currens ||currens.chris AT gmail DOT com ||Yes ||
> ||DIGY ||digydigy AT gmail DOT com ||Yes ||
> ||Michael Herndon ||mherndon AT wickedsoftware DOT net ||Yes ||
> ||Prescott Nasser ||prescott.nasser AT hotmail DOT com ||Yes ||
> ||Scott Lombard ||lombardenator AT gmail DOT com ||Yes ||
> ||Sergey Mirvoda ||sergey AT mirvoda DOT com ||Yes ||
> ||Troy Howard ||thoward37 AT gmail DOT com ||Yes ||
> == Affiliations ==
> * Troy Howard and Chris Currens both work for discover-e Legal, LLC
> and will work on Lucene.Net as part of their paid work. discover-e
> Legal uses the current Lucene.Net build in their products and so, has
> a vested interest in seeing the project continue. Beyond that, the
> reason Lucene.Net was chosen by Troy initially for the discover-e
> Legal products is due to his strong interest in the project. This
> interest was well established before working for discover-e Legal, and
> is independent of its needs. The same is true for Chris Currens. So,
> even though there is commercial support for their work on this project
> it is not the primary reason or motivator for their interest.
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
> * Grant Ingersoll (gsingers AT apache DOT org)
> === Nominated Mentors ===
> * Gianugo Rabellino
> * Stefan Bodewig
> * Benson Margulies
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
> '''Lucene.Net is currently sponsored by Lucene as a sub-project. This
> proposal advocates changing Lucene.Net's relationship with Apache from
> existing as a Lucene sub-project, to existing under the sponsorship of
> the Incubator. '''
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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