On Mar 9, 2011, at 8:23 AM, Alan Gates wrote:

> Some context here for you.  Howl is a project that was recently accepted to 
> the Incubator.  It is a proposed new component in the Hadoop eco system.  
> There is significant concern in the Incubator that this will clash with the 
> name of the Howl OW2 project (http://howl.ow2.org/) and thus cause Apache 
> legal troubles.  The relevant email threads can be seen at 
> http://tinyurl.com/5w7y9p9 and http://tinyurl.com/4t7jjt9.  As can be seen in 
> the email threads some are concerned about legal issue while some feel that 
> the use of the name is acceptable.
> There is interest in the team proposing Howl to keep the name since the name 
> has already been in use for 9 months in the Hadoop, Pig, and Hive communities 
> (without confusion or legal issues I might add).  However, we would like to 
> get legal's input on whether using Howl for this project name presents a risk 
> for Apache.  Thanks.

It isn't just a legal issue.  Generally speaking, it is rude to use a
product name for an open source project when that name is already in
use by another open source project (and in this case has been in use
since 2004).  What's more, their use of the name actually makes sense.
We try not to be rude to OW, and they try not to be rude to us.

So, the answer from this board member is no, you will not be allowed
to use that name at Apache.  Even if the incubator accepted it, the
board would insist on a change later on because it isn't a nice thing
to do to others.  9 months discussion in Hadoop/Pig/Hive is irrelevant
when compared to seven years of actual product releases by that other


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