dsh <daniel.hais...@googlemail.com> wrote on 06/03/2011 04:11:43 PM:

> Rob,
> I think being more open concerning collaboration can't hurt what do
> you think? So it would be nice if the proposal could be open and
> diplomatic in this regards. Probably the intention should be to not
> shut the door in the very beginning and thus omit collaboration with
> other parties. Tho, whether those parties accept the invitation or not
> can't probably assured by the proposal BUT at least you tried your
> very best.

Daniel, please be concrete and critical, not accusatory.  Please critique 
the proposal, not the person.  I attach the latest version of this section 
of the proposal.  I am unable to find the part of the proposal you refer 
to when you say it "shuts the door in the very beginning".  Can you please 
point that out?

You also use the word "invitation".  This is not an invitation.  This is a 
section of the incubation proposal.  The audience is the IPMC to inform 
their vote on the proposal.  I think we owe them our candor and our honest 
appraisal, not a press release.  I'm not opposed to the *project* doing a 
formal invitation to TDF/LO, and in fact I'd welcome that.  An invitation 
would obviously take on a different form.  But I don't think this proposal 
is the right vehicle for doing that.

As always, I welcome improvements to this proposal. 



=Collabration with LibreOffice=

LibreOffice uses a dual license LGPLv3/MPL.  This limits the degree to 
which OpenOffice and LibreOffice can collaborate on code.  However, we 
would be glad to discuss, as a project, ways in which we can collaborate 
with them in a way that respects the chosen licenses of both projects. 
This could include collaboration on jointly sponsored public events, 
interoperability 'plugfests', standards, shared build management 
infrastructure, shared release mirrors, coordination of build schedules, 
version numbers, defect lists, and other downstream requirements. 
Additionally, collaboration could include LibreOffice use of project 
deliverables per the Apache 2.0 license and  their reporting of defects. 
If TDF decides at a later point to change to a compatible license, then 
this would open up additional ways in which we could collaborate, and we 
would welcome that as well.  We believe that, in practice, the degree to 
which we are able to actually collaborate will be determined by the 
licence compatibility issue more than than any unwillingness to 

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