On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 7:57 PM, Noel J. Bergman <n...@devtech.com> wrote:

> Simon Phipps wrote:
> > unless either the Apache project or the LibreOffice project do extremely
> > substantial refactoring very fast, both projects will be using the same
> > code for a long time. If we all do things right, this will be in the
> > context of actual shared repositories.
> That sounds like a fine scenario.  The ASF is good at providing Open Source
> to be reused downstream.
> And hopefully (from my perspective, at least) there will be refactoring, or
> even rearchitecting/rewriting, to enable OOo to better participate in the
> mobile/cloud arena, with that forming the basis for downstream builds.

I agree on both counts. My sense continues to be that the best outcome would
be close to my original proposal[1], although that got substantial push-back
from some quarters.



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