+1 binding


On Jul 5, 2011, at 3:35 AM, Niklas Gustavsson wrote:

> Hi,
> With three mentors graciously signed up and the discussion around the
> proposal settling, it's time for a vote on Deft joining the incubator.
> The latest proposal can be found below, or in the wiki:
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/DeftProposal
> For discussions:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/general@incubator.apache.org/msg29659.html
> Please cast your votes:
> [  ] +1 Accept Deft for incubation
> [  ] +0 Indifferent to Deft incubation
> [  ] -1 Reject Deft for incubation
> Vote will be running for 72 hours.
> /niklas
> = Deft Proposal =
> == Abstract ==
> Deft is a non-blocking, asynchronous, event driven high performance
> web framework running on the JVM.
> == Proposal ==
> Deft is a web framework that makes using it feel a bit like ordinary
> Java servlets, but with additional tools and optimizations to take
> advantage of the underlying non-blocking infrastructure. The framework
> is distinct from most mainstream Java web server frameworks because it
> is non-blocking and reasonably fast. It's ideal for real-time web
> services because it can support thousands of simultaneous idle
> connections.
> Key features:
> * Optimized for thousands of simultaneous connections
> * Using pure Java NIO (java.nio & java.nio.channels)
> * Asynchronous (nonblocking I/O)
> * Event driven
> == Background ==
> Deft was initially inspired by Facebook's (actually !FriendFeed's )
> Tornado open source project. Tornado is written in python and was open
> sourced by Facebook September 2009.  Deft was started in October 2010
> by Roger Schildmeijer and Jim Petersson,  since then, a number of
> other developers (from different parts of the world) have submitted
> patches to the project. External contributors have also been involved
> in the pre-commit review process that Deft has adopted from Apache
> Cassandra. Currently the project is hosted on github and has 134
> watchers and 19 forks.
> == Rationale ==
> The goals of the project are very much aligned with the goals of the
> Apache Software Foundation. i.e there is interest in (continuing to)
> foster a collaborative, consensus based development process, using an
> open and pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high
> quality software that leads the way in its field.
> == Initial Goals ==
> Even though the basic functionality is in place we would like to see
> the following features included in future releases:
> * More third party libraries that works within Deft's IOLoop
> * Https support for the async http client
> * Optimized buffer usage in the async socket abstraction
> * Template engine
> * Chunked transfer-encoding
> * Websockets
> * Https support
> * Improved Http 1.1 compliance
> = Current Status =
> == Meritocracy ==
> Deft has been an open source project since day one. The project has
> transformed from being primarily a two person led (and funded) project
> to one with a number of diverse participants. Any potentially
> controversial architecture change is discussed on the public mailing
> list. Development has been coordinated primarily through a mailing
> list, pull requests and with some IRC.
> == Community ==
> Building an active open source community will be one of Deft's top
> priority. The amount of interest in the project from social  networks
> (like twitter and github) and individual developers and users suggests
> a strong community will  develop once the framework to support one is
> in place. Currently the Deft community exists out of the core
> developers, and the users integration Deft in an end-user products
> (the actual number is unknown).
> == Core Developers ==
> * Roger Schildmeijer
> * Jim Petersson
> * Johnathan Meehan
> * Nicholas Whitehead
> * Séven Le Mesle
> Other contributors to the project include: William Edwards, Jacob
> Kristhammar, Rickard Böttcher, ilmich, 1730wang (Nemo), Khaled
> Essghaier, Mikael Piotrowski
> == Alignment ==
> Deft is a web framework with a strong focus on speed and asynchronous
> principles. Some parts of Deft are a complex (especiallt the
> asynchronous parts) and it makes sense to  have a
> supporting/developing community. Apache provides a solid base  with
> established processes and rules to create such community.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> The current code that has been developed for Deft is open sourced
> under the Apache 2.0 license. The majority of the initial developers
> of Deft are familiar with the Apache model for open-source
> development.
> === Orphaned Products ===
> All participants are active users and contributors to  open source.
> One of them (Roger Schildmeijer) has experience as a contributor  on
> the Apache Cassandra open source project.
> === Homogeneous Developers ===
> Deft's initial set of committers include people that have a strong JVM
> background, and  are spread over a number of countries and different
> employers.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> None of the developers working on Deft are salaried specifically to
> work on the project. The initial set of committers will continue to
> use their spare time to develop Deft.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> Deft has dependencies upon other Apache Projects: !HttpClient and
> Maven. Also, Deft comes with a "built-in" asynchronous http client. It
> could be worth time to investigate if parts of
> [[http://mina.apache.org/asyncweb/client-ideas.html|Apache Mina's
> async http client]] could be reused.
> === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> The initial set of developers respect the Apache brand and feel that
> Apache is the right place to establish a healthy open source
> community. Deft itself will hopefully have benefits from Apache, in
> terms of  attracting a community and establishing a solid group of
> developers. However, even if this proposal is not accepted, the
> development will continue.  As such, there is no need to, or reason
> to, "abuse" the brand.
> == Documentation ==
> Infoq article about Deft: http://www.infoq.com/articles/deft-loft
> Deft documentation: http://deftserver.org/
> Deft issue tracker and source: https://github.com/rschildmeijer/deft/
> Deft Continuous Integration: http://savagesprout.com:8180/jenkins/
> == External Dependencies ==
> The external dependencies that Deft uses are all Apache license or
> compatible licenses.
> * Google Guava (http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/, Apache License 2.0)
> * Logback (http://logback.qos.ch, Dual license, LGPL 2.1 and EPL v1.0)
> * Apache HttpClient (for unit/system tests)
> (http://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-ga/, Apache License 2.0)
> * Ning's Async Http Client (for unit/system tests)
> (https://github.com/sonatype/async-http-client, Apache License 2.0)
> * JUnit (http://www.junit.org/, Common Public License - v 1.0)
> * javax.activation
> (http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/javax.activation/activation/1.1.1,
> Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) Version 1.0)
> == Required Resources ==
> === Mailing lists ===
> * deft-private
> * deft-dev
> * deft-commits
> * deft-user
> === Subversion Directory ===
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/deft
> === Issue Tracking ===
> JIRA DEFT (Deft)
> === Other Resources ===
> * Jenkins for continuos integration.
> * deftserver.org domain to be transferred to ASF upon incubation.
> == Initial Committers ==
> * Roger Schildmeijer (schildmeijer [at] gmail com)
> * Jim Petersson (jim.petersson [at] gmail com)
> * Johnathan Meehan (jmeehan [at] phasevariance com)
> * Nicholas Whitehead (nwhitehead [at] heliosdev org)
> * Séven Le Mesle (slemesle [at] xebia fr)
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
> * Niklas Gustavsson n...@apache.org
> === Nominated Mentors ===
> * Emmanuel Lécharny (Apache Member)
> * Mohammad Nour El-Din (Apache Member)
> * Mark Struberg (Apache Memeber)
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
> * Apache Incubator PMC
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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