Hello Andrey,

On 30 Jul 2011, at 10:07 , Andrey Kuznetsov wrote:

> I am author of Imagero, JGUI, UIO and some other nice libraries.
> I want to transfer my work to Apache.
> However I don't have time and fortitude to do it by myself.
> So I search for someone who could do it for (or with) me.

If you want these projects to become part of Apache, the standard process is to 
write a proposal for them, and take them through incubation. During that 
process, we will determine if there is a community supporting the codebase and 
if you follow the ASF philosophy and guidelines for collaboration. The best 
place to start reading is the incubator website (http://incubator.apache.org/).

I must be honest, if you state you're looking for someone else to take over, it 
does not sound like you have a community to support these projects and just 
transferring the code to Apache won't work.

Greetings, Marcel

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