On Aug 18, 2011, at 3:30 PM, sebb wrote:
> Yes, mostly.
> What about JUnit? The archive includes junit 3.8.1 (seems a bit old -
> current version is 4.8.2)
> Also Thrift-Facebook, which has package name com.facebook - suggests
> it is not part of Apache Thrift
> Is ANTLR really needed at run-time? Ditto JUnit?
> If it's only need to build the software it can just be listed as a
> requirement in the build instructions.

Antlr has a runtime jar that we need to ship.

> Given that the code appears to use Ivy, this should be able to fetch
> compile-time dependencies automatically.
> BTW, you include both log4j 1.2.15 and 1.2.16 which looks wrong. Also
> antlr 2.7.7 and 3.0.1. Mixed jars often cause problems.
> Not sure you need both commons-logging and commons-logging-api; also
> latest version is 1.1.1 (released 2007)

All this stuff is brought along by Hive, not HCatalog unique code, so we're not 
in control of the versions, including the multiple versions.

>> Regarding the LICENSE file the licenses for the 3rd party software is in the 
>> Hive's LICENSE file which we include, but we can move it up to the top level 
>> LICENSE file.
> Yes, all required licenses must be in the top-level LICENSE file. You
> cannot expect users to hunt around looking for LICENSE files.

We'll fix this.

> I would expect to find a separate source release archive, with just
> the source from the HCatalog project.
> If I want the source, why should I have to download all the binary
> dependencies too?

No project I've been on so far (Hadoop, Pig) does this.

> BTW, I don't understand why you include an external to Hive source -
> surely you can just depend on one of the Hive releases?
No.  HCatalog depends on features that have been added to Hive that are not yet 
released.  In general, when we set up the project one of the things we realized 
was that, due to different points of maturity, Hive and HCatalog are moving at 
different speeds.  Rather than try to force Hive releases when HCatalog needs 
them it makes more sense to include Hive's code in HCatalog.  At some point in 
the future, as HCatalog matures, I assume this will change and HCatalog will be 
able to depend on released versions of Hive.


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