Benson Margulies wrote on Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 15:33:25 -0400:
> Could the incubator, or a clone of the incubator, serve as a permanent
> home for small projects? Essentially, this amounts to removing all the
> 'incubator' disclaimer and branding requirements for these projects,
> and retaining the volunteer supervision of the sort of people who are
> willing to be mentors (e.g. Foundation members and others voted by the
> iPMC). This would put additional eyes in the supervision process, and
> still allow growth.

Thinking out load: perhaps just promote the project into a TLP, while
having a few IPMC members volunteer to become PMC members of the new TLP
and provide oversight?

> In the world of github, no one needs to be an ASF project to get
> source control hosting. The problem of 'brand vampires' is solved by
> requiring these projects to be 'small but diverse.' The project *and
> the users* get the advantage of operating in the Foundation's legal
> umbrella, and those users are what, to me, makes this consistent with
> the mission.

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